Thomas Z. Shao is the Chairman and the Editor-in-Chief of Modern Media
Group. An innovative publisher, renowned columnist and a
recognized arbiter of taste and fashion, he has always been devoted to
advancing the domestic publishing industry to meet the highest standards. Shao
is the founder and editor of many premier Chinese periodicals,
including Modern Weekly, The Outlook Magazine, Life Magazine, City
Magazine, Asian Business Leaders, Auto Life, and Lohas. Modern Media
Group currently publishes ten magazines and several online media, and
is widely regarded as a leader of China's media industry.
Google UK honours Queen Liz 2.0 • The Register
- 中国政府还发起了收缴枪支的整治行动,通过在地铁站张贴海报号召市民上交武器,并承诺政府将不予追究,甚至有现金奖励。公安部(Ministry of Public Security)上个月公布称,在今年为期6个月的行动中,共没收枪支7.9万支、仿真枪180万支、子弹575万发。2006年的一项类似行动收缴了17.8万支枪支和63.8万支仿真枪。
- such as the amygdala, which is specialized in the memory of emotions.
A single drink will not shrink your brain | ZDNet Healthcare |
- This natural brain shrinkage puts older people at risk for strokes and dementia. Heavy drinking may increase this risk. That is not news. (The picture above is from a British report on a study with the identical conclusion, published last year.)
Every drink shrinks the brain, warns new research |
- The American research, which looked at brain scans of more than 1800 people, comes after Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council released draft guidelines warning that more than two drinks a day posed a health risk.
- Their MRI scans revealed brain volume of moderate drinkers was almost 1% smaller than teetotallers while those who had 14 or more drinks a week suffered 1.2% shrinkage.
Neuron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 教师的地位、工资待遇已到了水深火热的危险境地,国家的政策落实,教师法中的内容得不到保护,地方政府随意更改、减少教师的工资和待遇,这是这次四川爆发大规模教师罢课的前因。
olfaction的英语解释词典意思 - Dict.CN 海词
- the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents
n. 嗅觉英英解释:
名词 olfaction:
- 其实,看到北大原副教授焦国标讨伐中宣部,再看到中宣部开门让上访者代表进入投诉并进行安抚,可知这个机关真是个弱势机关,属下控制着媒体可以说话,却说不上话,因为各媒体都是各主管机关的喉舌,比如《人民日报》属于中南海管,发表一篇社论至少要书记处人士签字,中宣部还没有资格。再者,各省党报,都属于各省省委机关报,中宣部也无法过问。尤其是对于拆迁之类权力部门鱼肉百姓的事情,中宣部人员嘴里也轮不到吃肉,更对各省一把手没有人事权和财政权,所以,胳膊肘硬不起来的中宣部还能管什么?
Neurophilosophy : The discovery of the neuron
- 胡佳的妻子曾金燕在上周六收到当局的通知,胡佳前一日已被转移到北京市监狱继续服刑。曾金燕对本台粤语组表示,收到这个消息,可说是忧喜参半。她说﹕我现在还是心里没底,很被动的状态,但是转到北京市监狱对家属来说,探视较方便,但是接下来会怎么样,也不清楚,我对那个监狱也不认识。
Broadband bonanza:School gives free internet access to hundreds of homes (From This Is Lancashire)
- Broad Oak will place transmitters in lampposts in surrounding streets to deliver a broadband connection across its school catchment area in East Bury. Pupils at the specialist sports college, and
those of its six ‘feeder’ primary schools, will be able to use the free link to pursue their studies and for leisure.
Study: Google does a brain good -
- 而据香港分析师分析,由于内地楼市销售惨淡,又逢美国金融风暴,短期内港股大幅度回涨的可能性很低。事实上,早在碧桂园发布半年报后不久,香港投行就纷纷不看好碧桂园,麦格里甚至给碧桂园“跑输大市”的评级,仅有瑞银对碧桂园维持买入评级。这也使得碧桂园的股价,短期不可能大幅度回调。
- 到了九时,前来旁听的媒体记者和市民估计达一二百人。申请旁听的市民,以中老年人为主。有些市民情绪激动,甚至有人还拉起了横幅,称杨佳是“大侠”和“英雄”。警民发生了冲突,有市民被警察架到法院西门对面一个胡同里,后来被几辆警车运走。很多媒体记者在场,拍摄了冲突现场,外媒记者看后直摇头。
- 杨佳称,鉴定人员问了两个小时的问题。鉴定专家也承认,没有给杨佳做医学检查,如脑电图、CT。不知杨佳曾在山西太原遭过警察殴打致脑振荡情况。
- 杨佳如果没有遭到暴力,没何不愿离开派出所,最后在母亲电话劝导下才离开?为何纠缠长达九个多月,为此警方两次派人到北京做解释,同意报销杨佳长途电话费三百元?假使杨佳没有遭暴力,他如此报复警方,除非是有了精神病。
- 通过庭审,警察是否殴打过杨佳一事,相信旁听人员看得清楚。
日本伊藤洋华堂撤架中国产“问题豆角” | 亚洲 |
- 路透东京10月15日电---鉴于其销售的中国产冷冻豆角中检测出了高浓度杀虫剂,日本连锁超市伊藤洋华堂周三从旗下各店铺撤架中国生产的冷冻豆角产品。
- 日本厚生劳动省表示,检测发现豆角中农药“敌敌畏”浓度是标准值的3.4万倍。
- 端章取义. - post by ocdeyin
- 儘管這段歷史就如中國共產黨在延安靠種鴉片起家那樣的令數以億計的「毛迷」難堪﹐但歷史始終要尊重的。可惜這書讀過的人應該很少﹐而且似已絕版。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.