MeetWays - Find a point of interest between two given addresses - Lets Meet!
- 这次,五个挪威老头没有满足国人的期盼,这很正常,我们可以说这份期盼里包含着我们的良苦用心,挪威老头们也有理由说他们的选择里也自有其莫大的良苦用心。正像有网友说的,如果单单为了吾国的民主自由进程伸一把援手,那它更有理由颁发给更加需要它的国度。这不是“国际援助基金会”,也不是“人权奖”,所以,还是那句话,记住胡佳为我们做的,记住他依然顶着的“煽动颠覆国家”的罪名和处境,记住他的妻子曾金燕的勇敢和坚持,我们或许还可以做得更多。看看咱们的领导和他们豢养的猎狗们的吠叫吧,不去猜测其间有没有“国情公关”,只要看看他们因此暴露出的慌张,你就知道在这个完全封锁信息已变得极其困难的时代,民间舆论能产生的力量。不要忘了,在此之前,可敬的厦门人民已经胜了一仗。
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 阿赫蒂萨里获2008年诺贝尔和平奖
- 阿赫蒂萨里在1994年到2000年期间担任芬兰总统,他在长期的外交生涯中参与了非洲和巴尔干等许多地区的和平斡旋。多年来他一直是诺贝尔和平奖的热门人选。
- 此前有消息称中国著名维权人士胡佳是本年度诺贝尔和平奖得奖的热门人选。中国当局为此数度发表声明表示不满。
- 全国企业景气调查结果显示,各行业企业家信心指数在三季度全线回落。其中,房地产业企业家信心指数回落最为明显,为96.4,比二季度回落22.0点,制造业企业家信心指数为119.3,也较二季度回落了13.6点。
Sequoia Capital’s 56 Slide Presentation Of Doom
- an email that angel investor Ron Conway sent to his 130 active portfolio companies.
- Benchmark Capital jumped on the band wagon today with their own email to portfolio companies. The messages are all similar - companies need to stay ahead of the curve as much as possible. Cut costs now, and raise capital if you can. If there’s someone out there willing to buy you, do it. Etc.
'Intelligent' computers put to the test | Technology | The Observer
这里是约里克 Here is Unique , since 2002 in chongqing.: 《国家地理》:气味影响梦中情绪.
Why nature can't be reduced to mathematical laws - fundamentals - 06 October 2008 - New Scientist
The Votes Are In: 100 VCs & Angel Investors Have Chosen the Top 50 Emerging Companies
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- Gallium Lighting, EverGreen Data Continuity, Inc., Catalyzed Combustion Technologies, SemiProbe, presspass, inc, frugalhorn, llc, Resolvity, Inc., VULOCITY - Mileage, Logger,, Scayl, ServusXchange, LLC, Import Car Parts of Colorado, Inc., Movi llc, Just Me Music, Quasar Technologies, Inc., Card Lab, Inc., NetFacilities, Inc., LegalEase Solutions LLC, National Protein, Innovamed, Inc., Collegiate Services, Inc., SoftNoze USA Inc., ObTech Corporation, Emission Control Technologies, Inc., OXON Medical LifeSystems, Inc., Touche Technologies, LLC / Motion4U, LLC, T.H.E. Thermal Heat Energy Corporation, Fave Media Inc., Blogging Systems LLC, NANEVA, ReproCure, BulletProof Electronics, Inc., Insight Financial Group Inc., Fantasy Action Network, LLC, 1Velocity, Immunotech Laboratories, Excalibur Pathology Inc., GenoMed, Inc., Vibraderm Inc., Eco Touch, LLC, iPowerUp Inc., eCycle, Inc., Global Universal Film Group Inc., Mavericks Surf Ventures, Inc., FrogPad Inc., ChiliTechnology/T2 International NC, Alliance Card, Inc., StrengthEdge Systems LL
Vitamin D a key player in overall health of several body organs, says UC Riverside biochemist
Scientists adapt economics theory to trace brain's information flow
- Granger's original objective was to see if links could be established that allowed economists to use current economic data to forecast changes in the economy in the near future. But first author Steven L. Bressler, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Florida Atlantic University, suspected the technique might help reveal if one brain area was passing data to or influencing another brain area.
Doctoral research by Turi King has shown that men with the same British surname are highly likely to be genetically linked. The results of her research have implications in the fields of forensics, genealogy, epidemiology and the history of surnames.
- 如今,冰岛庞大的银行业轰然倒塌。短短几天内,整个银行体系实际上都已被政府接管。该国最大的银行Kaupthing Bank周四被接管,股市交易将停牌到下周一。冰岛克朗在境外已经失去了货币功能
SocialPipeline 10/11/2008 (a.m.)
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