Isaac Mao is a blogger, entrepreneur and social media
researcher in China. He is the co-founder of, and Social
Brain Foundation which supports a pool of grassroots initiatives in
China including Chinese Blogger Conference, Creative Commons,
Wikipedia, OpenID, Open Education, Digital Nomads, Memedia and Tor
Project, etc. His
research interests include Sharism, Social Media and Collective
Intelligence, etc. He is also research fellow in Berkman Center for
Internet & Society, Harvard Law Schoool.
网帖曝山西"天罗地网"式公路收费站标识图(图)_网易新闻中心 - Annotated
{深度质疑}-----警察打死学生案的监控录像是怎样剪贴编辑的? - 警察之家 - 铁血军事论坛 - 铁血社区
- 此案中,警察是被告,负责侦查的也是当地警方,因此我们首先看到的就是警方单方面公布对被告警察有利、对原告学生不利的信息,而原告方三名学生则被完全剥夺了话语权。这很难让人相信此案会被完全公正处理。应当允许外省市第三方媒体采访三名学生当事人,并把采访结果公之于众,以使公众对案情有个比较全面的了解,这也有利于司法机关兼听则明,公正办案。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.