- 李鹏先生写三峡日记,写回忆录,据说回忆录不允许出版。我对此感到不平。在这个制度下,李鹏先生实际上比我更可怜。我们虽然也不能自由出版,但是可以在博客发发牢骚,虽然发了就被删了,至少写过了,有人看到了。但是李先生的文章,居然在我们没看到就被枪毙了,这就是一个国家政府对一个在位时间最长的国家领导人的尊敬?所以,我觉得自己对李鹏先生的尊敬程度,实际上远远超过党和国家政府对李鹏先生的尊敬程度,至少我不会禁止他的书出版。
Conscientiousness is the secret to a long life - health - 23 October 2008 - New Scientist
- Howard Friedman and Margaret Kern at the University of California at Riverside found that people who were less conscientious were 50 per cent more likely to die at any given age, on average, than those of the same age who scored highly (Health Psychology, DOI: 10.1037/0278-6133.27.5.505). This exceeds the effects of socioeconomic status and intelligence, which are also known to increase longevity.
Computer circuit built from brain cells - tech - 23 October 2008 - New Scientist Tech
- Elisha Moses at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and his students Ofer Feinerman and Assaf Rotem have developed a way to control the growth pattern of neurons to build reliable circuits that use neurons rather than wires.
- 为什
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