
SocialPipeline 07/26/2009 (a.m.)

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    • 最后特意寄了挂号,因为我担心会被看守所当局故意弄丢,但对于一个连人都可以随便抓的权力机关,一张挂号明信片实在没什么可以保证的。自我安慰,聊胜于无。
  • tags: no_tag

    • Copy-and-paste is a form of drag-and-drop: the "copy" part is
      equivalent to dragging content to another application (the
      "clipboard"), and the "paste" part is equivalent to dragging content
      from another application.

      Select-and-paste (a model used by mouse operations in the X
      Window System) is equivalent to a drag-and-drop operation where the
      source is the selection. Copy to clipboard

      When the user invokes a copy operation, the user agent must act
      as if the user had invoked a drag on the current selection. If the
      drag-and-drop operation initiates, then the user agent must act as
      if the user had indicated (as the immediate user
      ) a hypothetical application representing the
      clipboard. Then, the user agent must act as if the user had ended
      the drag-and-drop operation without canceling it. If the
      drag-and-drop operation didn't get canceled, the user agent should
      then follow the relevant platform-specific conventions for copy
      operations (e.g. updating the clipboard).

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
