
SocialPipeline 10/04/2008 (a.m.)

  • tags: Hujia, China, HumanRights, 人权, 自由

    • On September 8, 2008, Zeng also noted in a blog entry that prison authorities were confiscating letters that Hu had written and that they were refusing to allow Zeng and other relatives to visit Hu in line with prison regulations. Zeng said that police had told her they were linking an improvement in Hu’s prison conditions with an end to his activism for better conditions inside the prison. “He had put forward suggestions about how to improve the prison, and he wouldn’t drop the issue of human rights, thus making things difficult for the prison’s staff and management,” Zeng wrote in her blog.
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  • tags: GFW, Skype, Tom

    • 作为这家合资公司的小股东,Skype随后在官方Blog上发表声明并道歉,而大股东及肇事者Tom在线,至今似乎仍未有任何表示,甚至连国内最先报道此事的网易,也已经删除了相关新闻页面(仍可在百度快照中查看)。
    • 大概人们已经对监控、GFW这些行径已经达到麻木的程度,而无力言说,而且注重隐私权和通信安全的人应该都不会选择Tom版的Skype而是使用标准版Skype,虽然标准版据称依然是安全的,但坏消息是:“来自其它国家Skype用户一旦与用中文版Skype的人进行联系,也会受到监视。”
  • tags: GFW, Skype, Tom

    • “It is common knowledge that censorship does exist in China and that the Chinese government has been monitoring communications in and out of the country for many years. This, in fact, is true for all forms of communication such as emails, fixed and mobile phone calls, and instant messaging between people within China and between China and other countries. TOM, like every other communications service provider operating in China, has an obligation to be compliant if they are to be able to operate in China at all.”
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    • Today, I was requested to delete a blog post about the Sanlu milk powder incident in my Chinese blog. The public relation capacity of Sanlu is really strong, isn’t that a model of China best enterprise? To tie the interest of the company with the interest of the government and use the government’s administrative power to do the company’s PR and delete all the information and opinions that are against the company’s interest. Sure they are in a powerful position. Then all those people who don’t know the truth will still by your milk powder and walk into the grave.
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    • 温:美国的总统竞选应当由美国人民来做评判。我更关注的是大选之后中美关系将会是怎样。最近几年,中美关系有了长足发展。我们希望无论谁会当选为总统,他都能继续增进同中国的关系。并且,无论谁当选,中国都希望能继续改善同美国的关系。
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    • After a week hiatus, GoDaddy, the world’s largest domain name host, is back online in China.
    • Since GoDaddy has suspend lots of Chinese human rights sites without warning last year, Isaac Mao think GoDaddy “It deserved! No tears” — The hidden rules in China will change all the time. Just like Godaddy’s case, any cases can become your nightmare whether it’s an event, a people’s name, or a domain name. And the worst thing you can never recover is that you lost the support from users.聽 There’s only one government one business can please today or tomorrow, but there are millions of users one can’t be fooled.
