
SocialPipeline 09/11/2009 (a.m.)

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    • Systematic creativity, in its simplest form is about using logic and reasoning, along with creativity and imagination, to generate ideas and artefacts that are new surprising and valuable. To be systematically creative, then, is about engaging this full spectrum through deliberate practice. Fostering the mindsets behind creativity, learning to iterate, learning to give form to our imagination and mastering a tool to think with are all essential skills part of being creative as a deliberate practice. Much like one can listen to and appreciate music, dabble with making sounds on an instrument, play music from the score or indeed improvise or ‘jam’ with others in a band – we can also build things following a ‘score’ (instructions), or we can compose our own or jam with others (free building alone or together). Only through deliberate practice does one become a master musician or a master builder.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
