- 北京工商大学新闻与传播学院范敏在接受《环球时报》记者采访时表示,国家利益是我们每一个中国公民的基本底线,任何通过博客表达自己想法的人,如果是理智的、具有独立精神的话,都会对此有一个基本的判断。那些想凑到对中国崛起不安的西方媒体身边的人,是没什么前途的。▲
- 08年的中国真的是太不平凡。在我的脑海里,奥运的热闹欢腾五彩缤纷,始终与冰雪中的挣扎、碎石下的嘶叫、医院里的啼哭,还有某位母亲歇斯底里的徒劳的呐喊,混搅在一起,挥散不去。真的就像一部颜色浓艳、对比强烈的恐惧片,本身没有鬼,却呈现比鬼还可怕的画面。
- 在中国,事情却倒挂,基本看不到对因私护照的优惠。一方面是其它国家的态度,另一方面,中国外交部想不想推进这件事,让越来越多的国民出国见世面,我持极度怀疑态度。
政府官方网站现已拥有十进制网络安全地址_CHINA 中国_cnBeta.COM - Annotated
- 中国十进制网络安全监督管理局、信息产业部23日宣布,我国政府官方网站现已拥有十进制网络安全地址,得到授权的网络用户可以使用数字域名和法定名称登录政府门户网站。
- 现阶段已经被侮辱的词汇:
... - 自主性带来了网络的可控性。现有的互联网,由于最终管控权掌握在美国手里,所有信息都要到美国去解析,导致互联网不可控。在十进制网络体系中,我们完全 拥有对互联网的自主管理权,可以通过域名解析掌握网络信息,并可根据实际需求,对信息进行分类限制,实现“绿色网络”,并利用数字域名,固定每个用户的 IP,为网络管理带来了便利。
- 终于提到互联网是美国发源的 - post by isaacmao
- 令人匪夷所思,二个政法大学的女生竟然到公安局告发她们的老师杨师群教授。她们的杨教授不过是在课堂讲课时评论一些时评或者说发表一些他自已的见解!令笔者百思不得其解,此二女的年龄推断,其出生应当是在当年民运高潮时期,她们不清楚,而他们父辈应该经历过,或者说起码受过点启蒙吧?
- 要知道,这种事情如果说它发生在清朝末年,可能还会有人相信;而要说它发生在民国初年的“五·四”时期,就不会有人相信了。你们知道那时候的青年,已经基本接受了“民主”、“自由”、“人权”的理念,所以一般不会发生这样的怪事了。而如今,却依然还会时常发生在21世纪的中国,并且就发生在中国的大学里,这就太让人匪夷所思了。想到最近中国的学校中发生的一系列怪事,我只有默默地为中国的社会和人民祈祷:什么时候中国社会才能走出愚昧?中国教育才能走上正轨?中国的学生才能比较正常的思维?
- 只能说中学教学实在是太成功了,一个个洗脑洗得很彻底嘛。
Oxford Saïd Business School: Research Fellow in Future Studies - James Martin Institute
Scholarly publications on scenarios are scattered across many different fields, and few focus on comparative methodological considerations. Different schools of scenarios have been highlighted and various typologies of scenarios have been proposed but, despite increasing publications, efforts to reveal theories of what works, for whom, where, when and why – and when/why not – are lacking.
The Futures Practice in the James Martin Institute is international in focus and addresses the three domains of education, research and practice in Futures.
This is an opportunity for a Research Associate to contribute to this vital work in relation to so-called ‘public interest’ futures and ‘environmental scenario’ practices, in particular, through literature and practice review, methodological innovation and direct engagement in practice.
Applicants who would need a work visa if appointed to the post are asked to note that under the UK’s new points-based migration system they will need to demonstrate that they have sufficient points.
Planet wobbles could reveal Earth 2.0 - space - 14 November 2008 - New Scientist
- Almost all the 30 known exoplanets that sit within the habitable zone of their stars are gas giants. "But they might have rocky, possibly Earth-like moons," says David Kipping of University College London.
Prophesy of economic collapse 'coming true' - environment - 17 November 2008 - New Scientist
- In 1972, the seminal book Limits to Growth by a group called the Club of Rome claimed that exponential growth would eventually lead to economic and environmental collapse.
- Yet Turner reckons his report [pdf format] shows that a sustainable economy is attainable. "We wouldn't have to go back to the caves," he says.
Global Neighbourhoods: China's Web 2.0 & Censorship
- As Robert Scoble [Twitter:@scobleizer ]observed, censorship in China "is just about like what happens when you work for a company in the US. There are certain things you simply cannot say."
- In fact, for a small minority of bloggers, there is some status in pushing the envelope. I talked with two bloggers who boasted about how many times they had been blocked. One told me it would be "cool" if he actually got arrested. I asked him if he was trying to be a voice of freedom and he smiled, "No, but getting popped would get me a ton of followers."
Eric Schmidt: Oil is Finite But Information Is Infinite
- “Oil is finite, but information is infinite,” said Schmidt explaining that the goal was “to take the structures of information and apply it to what is the life blood” of the economy ie. energy and oil. Schmidt pointed to how the power of the Internet in bringing information to the world,
- Better Place, an electric-car infrastructure company based in Palo Alto, said it would spend $1 billion to create charging stations and battery-swap outlets in the Bay Area. It also showed off a Nissan Rogue SUV, converted to become an electric vehicle. ( Better Place Photo )
BBC 中文网 | 中文网主页 | 上海袭警案凶手杨佳被处决
- 他随后被判处死刑,但是中国社会出现很多同情杨佳的声音。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.