BBC 中文网 | 港台消息 | 台前总统陈水扁遭到声请收押
- 陈水扁在结束侦讯被押送到法院时,高举戴上手铐的双手,高喊政治迫害以及台湾加油,但随即被送入囚车押走。
Web 2.0 Summit 08: Isaac Mao (Social Brain Foundation), High Order Bit
[原创]总得想点儿好玩的事 - 上善若水·萧秋水 - 畅享博客
- 有一个游戏,准备放在中文网志年会上,看看是否能够做和有预期效果。
Invention: Cancer nanobomb - tech - 10 November 2008 - New Scientist
- The exploding nanotubes could be made to target tumours by labelling them with an antibody specific to the cancer cell receptors, he says, and adding a chemotherapy drug to the water could wipe out any cells that survive or escape a blast.
56minus1 :: » Blog Archive » chinese journalist bloggers ::
- This well-known Phoenix TV reporter and popular columnist is also a prolific blogger who addresses current hot topics using rational arguments and level-headed language. She’s also the founder of the liberal-leaning blog portal My1510, and maintains a mirror blog there.
- 译爱白血病患者服务手册志愿翻译公益行动
- 本项目旨在选译美国白血病淋巴瘤协会患者服务手册 ,藉此动员医学专业人士、医药公司员工、大学生、网络力量与其他社会人士,携手为血液病患者做一些意义深远而又力所能及的事。并在这个过程中,推动所有志愿者之间的交流与互助,提升志愿者本身在预防慢性非传染病疾病方面的健康知识、英语和翻译的理论与实践能力、项目运行管理和合作方面的知识与技能,使每位志愿者在帮助别人的同时,自身有所提高和发展。
- 刷广播啊刷广播,为了发展历史悠久光荣伟大的刷广播事业,我特地写了一个豆瓣插件来完成这件工作。以后通过GTalk就可以直接刷广播了。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.