Internet censorship effort raises big questions - Network World
- The Australian federal government has announced that it will establish compulsory censorship of Internet traffic, with trials starting by the end of the year. The censorship proposal originally included an opt-out
provision that would have allowed individuals to arrange not to have their Internet traffic blocked by the government, but
permission to opt-out has been scratched from the current proposal.
中科智危机真相 外方投资者认定中方欺诈诉诸法律 - 投资资讯 ·ChinaVenture投资中国网
- 而此次中科智危机的根源,则并非报道所指的担保业务模式,而是中科智的外方股东发现以中科智创始人及董事长张锴雍为代表的中方股东挪用了大笔资金,很可能已深套于楼市和股市中,外方股东更不惜通过法律途径对张锴雍发出单方强制令,强制其向中科智担保集团通报资产状况。
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