上海交大成功研发智能脑 - 计算机交互技术_cnBeta 最新消息_cnBeta.COM
- 张丽清教授解释说,人脑思索决策时,会产生很多微弱的脑电信号,不同的运动想象在不同脑区产生不同模式的脑电信号,通过分析脑电信号,可以对人的运动想象类别进行判断。科研人员的“帽子”布满了灵敏的精密传感器,能把思考产生的脑电信号转化到计算机上,计算机通过精密的分析,就能识别这些信号,把人的“意愿”转化为指令,把指令信号发给相关设备,起到控制作用。技术人员利用运动想象意念产生的脑电信号驱动控制三维虚拟环境下汽车沿着指定道路的平稳行驶。
China's shifting student death toll from quake angers parents - Los Angeles Times
Who is Who: Sharism - Idea by Isaac Mao
- Since then I am digging deeper in his idea and concept of sharism and the way he builds his work upon it.
- 公民有合法出入证,深圳边检却不让“过关”,这是明显的违法行为。如是当地公安无合法理由阻止,同样侵犯了公民行动自由权。如果最后被强权阻止不让出境,可以提起诉讼状告深圳边检和当地公安,要求两家赔偿机票等费用损失。同时,可向有关部门举报他们的违法行为。
"在本次事件中,武警战士一直保持克制"(组图之二) - 河蟹上岸的日志 - 网易博客
Bloomberg.com: India & Pakistan
- Nov. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The Tibetan government-in-exile,
headed by the Dalai Lama, is breaking off stalled negotiations
with China over Tibet's future, leaders of the exile parliament
said today. - The decision to end talks was made by a ``special general
meeting'' of more than 500 delegates summoned by the Dalai Lama,
73, after China rejected his proposal for ``genuine autonomy''
in the latest set of talks this month in Beijing.
- 无畏的希望:重申美国梦》(The Audacity of Hope:Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream),缘自一次同名演讲。2004年,初出茅庐的奥巴马获邀在民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲,正是这次名为“无畏的希望”的演讲为他赢来了巨大声誉,从而异军突起于政坛。在演讲中,他说道:“说到底,我们投身选举到底是是为了什么?不是为政客自己的政治野心,而是为了传递每个普通美国人的心声。那是一种面对困境时的希望,一种面对未知时的希望,一种无所畏惧的希望!”它提醒美国人民,在他们国家的历史上,每当面对分歧和危机,他们总是顽强地以一种乐观主义精神面对未来。
- “他们资金链发生严重问题,李亮走了后,就另外找了几个人维持局面,希望把库存销售掉,回笼一部分资金还债。”PPG的竞争对手Carris创始人全雳表示,起初听到这个消息并不奇怪,“李亮并不适合创业,他更善于玩资本。”
Technological singularity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Some critics assert that no computer or machine will ever achieve human intelligence while others do not rule out the possibility.[4] Theodore Modis and Jonathan Huebner argue that the rate of technological innovation has not only ceased to rise, but is actually now declining. Smart (2005) criticizes Huebner's analysis. Some evidence for this decline is that the rise in computer clock speeds is slowing, even while Moore's prediction of exponentially increasing circuit density continues to hold.
- 看到北风在饭否上的消息,说是德国人要请阿诈里周曙光去当博客大赛的评委。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.