Image:FreeWillTaxonomy2.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 不过,中共高层的太空骚留下了两大败笔:一是发言多次出现失误。胡锦涛在神七升空后将首战告捷说成「首战告急」,网民「BBAO」说:「胡总,您的普通话可是得练练了,您老当时实把我吓了一跳。」胡为三位太空人壮行时说期待他们「凯旋归来」、中央军委副主席郭伯雄昨日也表示欢迎太空人「凯旋归来」,解放军总装备部部长常万全说太空人「胜利凯旋」,也都犯了语病。凯旋就是胜利归来,何须如此重複?(ch
- 纽约时报29日刊登了华裔记者黄安伟(Edward Wong)的这一篇题为“对中国一起袭击事件产生怀疑”(Doubt Arises in Account of an Attack in China)的报导。报导说,这3名外国游客和中国官方讲述的差异,包括,这几名目击者说,他们没有听到炸弹爆炸的响声,以及挥舞弯刀砍武警的人似乎也像是武警。他们说,明显看到穿武警制服的男子持刀攻击其他几名武警。
- 他从未提到攻击者穿着警察制服。中国的官方媒体新华社也没提过这点。北美版的香港报纸《明报》曾提过,还引用了新疆当地警员的话,但是,他们现在拒绝就此事发表言论。
melody : 我从没有象今天这样感到耻辱----毒奶的震撼 - 一五一十部落 | My1510
- 作为中国人,我从没有象今天这样感到羞耻……。中华民族能够以一丝不苟的努力精准地到太空漫步,但却无法保证全民族和下一代的身体健康,是不能,还是不为?太多太多的叹息,太多太多的无奈,我可爱的祖国,我亲爱的人民……
- 总的来说,这次投票奇特地颠覆了党派界限。民主党参议员奥巴马(Barack Obama)和美国总统布什都表示需要一个解决方案来稳定市场。需要救助计划的不仅仅是华尔街,还有美国大众。服务业雇员国际联合会 (Service Employees International Union)周二发出电子邮件,鼓励其200万名成员支持救助方案。邮件中号召其成员“本周给争取再次当选的参议员打150,000个电话,批评他们未能就更广泛的刺激方案采取行动,以减轻劳工家庭的经济痛苦”。
- 当中国人说邓小平是改革开放的总设计师,邓小平听了也很高兴,而事实上不是这样。应该这样说:胡耀邦是改革开放的总设计师,邓小平是改革开放的决策者,赵紫阳是改革开放的工程师。这样并不会贬低邓小平。事实上,只有把邓小平作为改革开放的决策者,才能给邓小平以更高的地位。胡耀邦是改革开放创意的探路者,赵紫阳是改革开放深入的执行者。只有这样才能真正搞清中国改革开放的历史面貌。
- (一直在考慮這篇要放在人文地理還是國際情勢。還是國際情勢好了,比較有緊張的氣氛)
Commentary: Bankruptcy, not bailout, is the right answer -
- The current mess would never have occurred in the absence of ill-conceived federal policies. The federal government chartered Fannie Mae in 1938 and Freddie Mac in 1970; these two mortgage lending institutions are at the center of the crisis. The government implicitly promised these institutions that it would make good on their debts, so Fannie and Freddie took on huge amounts of excessive risk.
- The costs of the bailout, moreover, are almost certainly being understated. The administration's claim is that many mortgage assets are merely illiquid, not truly worthless, implying taxpayers will recoup much of their $700 billion.
SUPERSTRUCT - A Sneak Preview of The Final Threat | The Institute For The Future
- Quarantine covers the global response to declining health and pandemic disease, including the current Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ReDS) crisis.
- Ravenous focuses on the imminent collapse of the global food system, as well as debates over industrial vs. ecological agricultural models, and basic issues of access, energy, and carbon.
- Power Struggle tracks the results of energy resource peaks and the shifts in international power as nations fight for energy supremacy and the world searches for alternative energy solutions.
- Outlaw Planet embodies the volatile mix of new forms of surveillance, transparency, civil rights, and access to information as people work out new rules for human security.
- Generation Exile follows the massive "diaspora of diasporas" underway globally, as the number of refugees and migrants skyrockets in the face of climate change, economic disruption, and war.
The Superthreats
GEAS has identified five superthreats and given them memorable names as a way of encouraging discussion and awareness:
- 我无话可说,我比谁都迫切地希望胡佳早日回来,我甚至希望胡佳经过这次磨难能站在更高的角度看问题,更加有策略地工作。但是我连胡佳人都见不到,我悲观地想,我能做什么呢?胡佳因为说话写文章被捕入狱,现在在监狱里还是不许他说话吗?不管他说的对还是错,对的听听,不对的就不理睬,不就行了吗?是不是要派一个工作组,把我也包括在内,驻扎在胡佳的大脑里呢?
SocialPipeline 09/30/2008 (p.m.)
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