Global Voices Advocacy » Towards a total human rights outlook
- My forthcoming book, The Blogging Revolution, gives voice to a world still largely ignored in the Western media. For me as a journalist, one of the key things we can do, with the assistance of like-minded NGOs, is allow bloggers to speak for themselves and not automatically classify them as suspect, non-English speakers. For example, in Australia, more than five years after the start of the Iraq war, Iraqi voices are still virtually ignored. It is as if only Westerners, usually middle-age men, have the right to speak for the occupied people.
Google Earth发现了要献给列宁的礼物 - Engadget 瘾科技
- 三岛由纪夫(1925-1970),日本作家。本名平冈公威。官僚家庭出身。东京大学法学部毕业。其前期作品唯美主义色彩较浓,后期作品表现出一种可怕的艺术倾斜和颠倒。代表作品有《虚假的告白》、《潮骚》、《春雪》、《志贺寺上人之恋》、《金阁寺》等。
- 三岛由纪夫本名平冈公威,1925年(大正14年)1月14日出生于东京市四谷区永住町2番地(今东京都新宿区四谷4丁目),父亲名为平冈梓,母亲名为倭文重,是家中长男,妹妹美津子与弟弟千之分别是在1928年与1930年出生。三岛的祖母夏子具有日本贵族血统,是水户藩藩主的外孙女,曾在日本皇室有栖川宫家中学习过礼仪,是个充满威仪但却很固执、神经质的传统女性,祖父平冈定太郎则是兵库县农家出身的文官,曾任桦太厅...
Knut Hamsun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LiteraryMinded: Join the Revolution! An interview with Antony Loewenstein on The Blogging Revolution
- The bloggers and dissidents that Antony Loewenstein meets up with in The Blogging Revolution are from repressive regimes Iran, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Cuba and China. Some face torture and imprisonment for speaking out - not just about political issues, but on details of their social or personal lives and beliefs. Some use the medium to garner an audience beyond their own country - to express frustration of their situation, and give others better opportunities for understanding their culture and the individuals within it. Some bloggers utilise the medium to educate others in their own area - on topics like women's rights and sexual health.
- The internet is not in itself a revolutionary force, though it certainly has allowed countless new voices to be heard across the world. I like the description by leading Chinese blogger, Isaac Mao, who said in early August: 'Blogs encourage young people to become more individual'. That is incendiary in many places around the world.
- Take China. The biggest online population in the world, 250 million and growing, and study after study appears to show a high level of satisfaction with the regime’s authoritarian stance. The vast majority of people apparently support extensive web filtering. Economic freedom has revolutionised the country, while maintaining a lid on political change. Is this the kind of 'change' that many of us would like, when human rights abuses are still rampant in the Communist land? No, but lecturing China about its obligations is not the way forward. Engagement is essential and talking to Chinese bloggers about their attitude that Western media hates their country for challenging American hegemony.
- It was followed by Barabbas (1927), an expressionistic avant-garde piece, which reflected his experiences in the Orient.
Nordahl Grieg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Kinesiske dage, 1927 - Chinese Day
- 挪威作家。1902年11月 1日生于卑尔根。青年时代在奥斯陆和牛津求学,爱好旅行。小说《航船在前进》(1924)描写海员生活。1926至1927年在中国担任战地记者,回国后写了剧本《巴拉巴斯》(1927),把中国当时的革命形势介绍到挪威。小说《世界还年青》(1938)描写1932至1934年他在苏联逗留期间的见闻。剧本《失败》(1937)描写他参加西班牙内战的经历。他是爱国主义作家,诗集《我们心中的挪威》(1929)表达了他对祖国炽热的爱。第二次世界大战期间他在挪威军队中当军官,曾驻留英国和冰岛。1943年12月 2日在空袭柏林时去世。
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- 一个正在警察属服军役的年轻人在假期后决定不归队,并且宣布诚实说出内心话。原因是他对于抵制参加烛光悼念集会的民众感到罪恶感。他的决定引来很多回响,大都反对政府,而支持他不完成兵役。
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 溃坝事故 省长辞职 副省长被免
- 新出任山西省代省长的王君今年56岁,曾经长期在山西省大同矿务局工作,2008年3月出任国家安监总局局长、党组书记,8月担任国务院安全生产委员会副主任。
SocialPipeline 09/15/2008 (a.m.)
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