BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 尼泊尔:严厉对待抗议中国流亡藏人
三鹿-质检总局,你们早干吗去了? - 想象吉软糖 - 心灵游戏 - Just imagine
- 有人把六月初家长向质检总局投诉的回复找出来了;(原文被质检总局隐藏了)
- 有人把CCAV宣传三鹿过硬质量的节目找出来了;
- 有人把对三鹿的“国家免检”投毒权来质疑;
- 有人把三鹿的公关方案流传开来;
- 有人把漫画“草他妈”拿出来了,说的是最后只能由小草的妈妈负责;
- 有人把认为China Sucks;
- 有人把它当作穷人的专利。
- 最后三鹿集团董事长站出来说“奶粉事件前已检测出相关问题”。
看不见的西藏~唯色: 一个叫徐兢的中国导演,自称是“藏汉文化交流的使者”,与两位藏人的QQ对话【个案】
U.N. agency eyes curbs on Internet anonymity | Politics and Law - CNET News
- A United Nations agency is quietly drafting technical standards, proposed by the Chinese government, to define methods of tracing the original source of Internet communications and potentially curbing the ability of users to remain anonymous.
- The Chinese author of the document, Huirong Tian, did not respond to repeated interview requests. Neither did Jiayong Chen of China's state-owned ZTE Corporation, the vice chairman of the Q6/17's parent group who suggested in an April 2007 meeting that it address IP traceback.
- Another technologist, Jacob Appelbaum, one of the developers of the Tor anonymity system, also was alarmed. "The technical nature of this 'feature' is such a beast that it cannot and will not see the light of day on the Internet," Appelbaum said. "If such a system was deployed, it would be heavily abused by precisely those people that it would supposedly trace. No blackhat would ever be caught by this."
- 从以上的“太监文化”,“缠足文化”,联想到近几年来你们联合整个西方,借用联合国以及世界妇女组织的名誉,又在干涉非洲国家的内政,妄图破坏和消灭非洲人民传统的“割礼文化”。又使用同样的说辞和腔调,说什么残害妇女,太不人道等等。还是说,你们认为不人道,那是你们的脑子和思想有问题,我们认为那就是我们的一种文明和文化。我们看着舒服就行。你们那种从不割礼的妇女我们看着才野蛮和不文明呢?在此也勒令你们停止干涉非洲人民内政的事情。向非洲人民道歉。
Fitbit - Automatically Track Your Fitness and Sleep
Technology Review: Self Surveillance
The 'satellite navigation' in our brains
- "The hippocampus is crucial for navigation and we use it like a 'sat nav'," says Dr Spiers from the Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience at UCL. "London taxi drivers, who have to know their way around hundreds of thousands of winding streets, have the most refined and powerful innate sat navs, strengthened over years of experience."
SocialPipeline 09/13/2008 (a.m.)
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