SocialPipeline 06/20/2012 (a.m.)
Events » Blog Archive » The Search for Genius: Einstein’s Brain
tags: Brain
Marian Diamond
Marian Diamond received some of the brain, and proceeded to study it. She discovered that when compared to normal brains, areas of Einstein’s brain had higher density of glial cells relative to neurons.Work done since by Elizabeth Isaacs (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience) interestingly showed that children who struggled with maths had lower density of glial cells, suggesting a link between that area of the brain and proficiency in mathematics.
SocialPipeline 06/19/2012 (p.m.)
Computer Program 'Evolves' Music From Noise - ScienceNOW
tags: visualization Sharism
tags: for:twitter Budget
As with most projects and public and government funded programs and business the will and opinions of the people can have a major effect on the future of those projects and businesses. As Abraham Lincoln once said "With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed." NASA is one of the major government funded programs that is under close scrutiny by the public. [10] The budget of NASA tends to fluctuate with the public opinion and previous failures and successes that NASA has had. During the mid to late-1960's was the highest NASA has seen with it being 4.41% of the U.S budget. With the near disaster of Apollo 13 in the early 1970's the budget of NASA took a turn for the worst and started on a steady decline till it was about 1% of the U.S budget from 1970-1990. When the crash of the Space Shuttle Columbia occurred in 2003 the budget for NASA dropped below 0.75% of the U.S budget and is below 0.5% in the current year (2012). [11] The American public perceives the NASA budget as commanding a much larger share of the federal budget than it in fact does. A 1997 poll reported that Americans had an average estimate of 20% for NASA's share of the federal budget, far higher than the actual 0.5% to under 1% that has been maintained throughout the late '90s and first decade of the 2000s.[12]
Home - Society for Science & the Public
tags: for:Qiwei
Wait, Did This 15-Year-Old From Maryland Just Change Cancer Treatment? - Forbes
- Compared with the 60-year-old diagnostic technique called enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (or ELISA), used in pregnancy test strips and viral checks for HIV, West Nile and hepatitis B, Andraka’s sensor is 168 times faster, 26,667 times less expensive, and 400 times more sensitive. It can spot the presence of the cancer-linked protein well before the cancer itself becomes invasive. This could save the lives of thousands of pancreatic cancer victims each year. The sensor costs $3 (ELISA can cost up to $800) and ten tests can be performed per strip, with each test taking five minutes. It can be used also to monitor resistance to antibiotics and follow the progression of treatment of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.
SocialPipeline 06/16/2012 (a.m.)
China Goes Shopping for German Factories - Businessweek
- So far this year, nine German “Mittelstand” companies, typically family-owned with fewer than 500 employees, have agreed to be acquired by Chinese buyers, bringing the total to 21 since the beginning of 2011
tags: Brain
tags: 3D
SocialPipeline 06/13/2012 (a.m.)
tags: Neuron
- N1: Neuron 1 name
N2: Neuron 2 name
Type: Type of synapse: S: Send or output (Neuron 1 pre-synaptic to Neuron 2); Sp: Send-poly (Neuron 1 is pre-synaptic to more than one postsynaptic partner. Neuron 2 is just one of these post-synaptic neurons, see Figure 1 below. In White et al, 1986, these polyadic synaptic connections were denoted by “m” in the tables of Appendix 1); R: Receive or input (Neuron 1 is post-synaptic to Neuron 2); Rp: Receive-poly (Neuron 1 is one of several post-synaptic partners of Neuron 2. See Figure 1 and above); EJ: Electric junction; NMJ: Neuromuscular junction (only reconstructed NMJ's are represented).
It must be noted that at polyadic synaptic sites, not all “send-poly” were faithfully labeled as such in White et al, 1986. Some pre-synaptic connections were labeled simply as “sends”. Reconciliation of chemical synapses did not previously distinguish between send from send-poly and receive from receive-poly. In this new reconciliation, the total number of send and send-poly is equal to the total number of receive and receive-poly (S+Sp=R+Rp). Every documented synapse is now listed in this Table, both with respect to the sending neuron and with respect to the receiving neuron(s).
Nbr: Number of synapses between the given neuron pair.
Ball-and-stick: 5 - Parallel Net -- Sage
In a parallel context across several machines, communication between hosts can be computationally inefficient when the frequency of events is high and when the message being sent is large. NEURON uses an efficient priority queueing mechanism to deliver events to targets after the delay specified by the NetCon. The message passed is succinct. It is an integer, the unique global identifier (gid) of the source. The following two figures illustrate these ideas and come from Hines M.L. and Carnevale N.T, Translating network models to parallel hardware in NEURON, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 169 (2008) 425–455. Users should also consult the ParallelContext reference.
SocialPipeline 06/06/2012 (p.m.)
Transit of Venus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit this century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.[4][5]
三周前,美国学者发布的研究报告让人们再一次反思中国过去30年经济快速增长的得失。由经济学家伊斯特林(R. Easterlin)领衔发表的论文,《中国的生活满意度:1990-2010》(China's Life Satisfaction, 1990-2010),指出在过去20年里,中国普通百姓的生活满意度呈急剧下滑的趋势。也就是说,多数人2010年的幸福感还不及1990年时的情况。这与同期中国经济的高歌猛进形成了强烈反差。
SocialPipeline 06/04/2012 (p.m.)
中国军方:若国家根本利益受威胁 反击将令人恐惧(代号8964的反击果然令人恐惧) | 墙外楼
- 所以在这个情况之下,我们还要相应地完善我们的军事战略、要加强我们的国防建设、要提高我们军队战斗力。我们过去、现在、将来,我们永远不称霸,我们永远不侵略别国,但是“人不犯我,我不犯人,人若犯我,我必犯人”。当我们国家根本利益受到威胁的时候,我也会有反击的手段,让你感到非常恐惧。
SocialPipeline 05/30/2012 (p.m.)
Scientists show how to erase information without using energy
However, Vaccaro and Barnett have shown that an energy cost can be fully avoided by using a reservoir based on something other than energy, such as spin angular momentum. Subatomic particles have spin angular momentum, a quantity that, like energy, must be conserved. Basically, instead of heat being exchanged between a qubit and thermal reservoir, discrete quanta of angular momentum are exchanged between a qubit and spin reservoir. The scientists described how repeated logic operations between the qubit’s spin and a secondary spin in the zero state eventually result in both spins reaching the logical zero state. Most importantly, the scientists showed that the cost of erasing the qubit’s memory is given in terms of the quantity defining the logic states, which in this case is spin angular momentum and not energy.
The results could also apply to hypothetical Carnot heat engines, which operate at maximum efficiency. If these engines use angular momentum reservoirs instead of thermal reservoirs, they could generate angular momentum effort instead of mechanical work.
- We are saying that the reason it is physical has a broader context than that.”
SocialPipeline 05/28/2012 (p.m.)
The Science Behind Foldit | Foldit
What are amino acids? Amino acids are small molecules made up of atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and hydrogen. To make a protein, the amino acids are joined in an unbranched chain, like a line of people holding hands. Just as the line of people has their legs and feet "hanging" off the chain, each amino acid has a small group of atoms (called a sidechain) sticking off the main chain (backbone) that connects them all together. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids, which differ from one another based on what atoms are in their sidechains. These 20 amino acids fall into different groups based on their chemical properties: acidic or alkaline, hydrophilic (water-loving) or hydrophobic (greasy).
- Amylase starts the process of breaking down starch from food into forms the body can use.
- Alcohol dehydrogenase transforms alcohol from beer/wine/liquor into a non-toxic form that the body uses for food.
- Hemoglobin carries oxygen in our blood.
- Fibrin forms a scab to protect cuts as they heal.
- Collagen gives structure and support to our skin, tendons, and even bones.
- Actin is one of the major proteins in our muscles.
- Growth hormone helps regulate the growth of children into adults.
- Potassium channels help send signals through the brain and other nerve cells.
- Insulin regulates the amount of sugar in the blood and is used to treat diabetes.
SocialPipeline 05/27/2012 (p.m.)
Reversible computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reversible computing is a model of computing where the computational process to some extent is reversible, i.e., time-invertible. A necessary condition for reversibility of a computational model is that the relation of the mapping states of transition functions to their successors should at all times be one-to-one. Reversible computing is generally considered an unconventional form of computing.
Landauer's principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tags: Sharism
Landauer's Principle describes the Landauer limit, which is the minimum possible amount of energy required to change one bit of information, as follows:
Entropy (information theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tags: Sharism
- In fact, in the view of Jaynes (1957), thermodynamic entropy, as explained by statistical mechanics, should be seen as an application of Shannon's information theory: the thermodynamic entropy is interpreted as being proportional to the amount of further Shannon information needed to define the detailed microscopic state of the system, that remains uncommunicated by a description solely in terms of the macroscopic variables of classical thermodynamics, with the constant of proportionality being just the Boltzmann constant.
Savant syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tags: Brain
Savantism is a rare condition in which people with 'developmental delays' of the brain (notably autism spectrum), and/or brain injury, demonstrate profound and prodigious capacities and/or abilities far in excess of those considered normal.
SocialPipeline 05/25/2012 (p.m.)
"南中国海的力量展示" | 媒体看中国 | DW.DE | 25.05.2012
- 专门从事冲突分析的国际危机组织(International Crisis Group)在其最新报告中证实,中国之所以在对待南中国海问题上没有统一的战略,是因为有太多的带着自己利益的部门参与,而且常常外交经验不足。郭伯雄任副职的军委比部委都更有权利,可以随时颠覆外交努力。"
SocialPipeline 05/19/2012 (a.m.)
Single protein controls neurotransmitters | KurzweilAI
In the study, the investigators also suggest how the widely used pain drug Lyrica might work. The alpha 2 delta protein is the target of this drug and the new work suggests an approach to how other drugs could be developed that effectively turn particular neurotransmitter signals on and off to treat neurological disorders.
SocialPipeline 05/18/2012 (a.m.)
这个饮食指南明确提到:“中国人每天的参考食谱是:六两粮食四两肉,六两蔬菜一两油,一两鸡蛋二两鱼,半斤水果一斤奶。根据家庭结构特点,不同家庭的食谱可以有所调整。中国人均每天营养标准的参考值是:营养供应3300大卡,其中,植物营养2300大卡、动物营养1000大卡,动物营养占30%;蛋白质100 克、脂肪150克;粮食300克、蔬菜300克、水果250克、植物油50克;肉食200克、奶类500克、鱼类100克、蛋类50克”。如果按照这样的指南进行饮食,依照此营养指南饮食,中国肥胖人口五年内可以增加100%,糖尿病、心血管病、高血压、高血脂可以增加50%以上。 -
SocialPipeline 05/17/2012 (a.m.)
Open access - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Open access comes in two degrees: Gratis OA is no-cost online access, while Libre OA is Gratis OA plus some additional usage rights.[2]
SocialPipeline 05/16/2012 (p.m.)
BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 法拉利车祸和新加坡人的排外情绪
- Three principal causes of unhappiness -- the sinner, the narcissist, and the meglomaniac. Sinner is always victim of his own disapproval. Narcissist is self absorbed and is incapable of meaningful relationships like women whose only interest is in getting men to love them and then lose interest. Meglomaniac wishes to be powerful rather than charming
Fiber Facts, Types, Function, Benefits, Dietary Requirements on MedicineNet.com
Fiber is defined as material made by plants that is not digested by the human gastrointestinal tract. Fiber is one of the mainstays in the treatment of constipationthough it also may have additional uses such as the treatment of diverticular disease of the colon. Many types of fiber bind to water and keep the water within the intestine. The fiber and water adds bulk (volume) to the stool, and the water softens the stool. Increased gas (flatulence)is a common side effect of high-fiber diets. The gas occurs because bacteria within the colon, unlike the intestine of humans, are capable of digesting fiber to a small extent. The bacteria produce gas as a by-product of their digestion of fiber.
SocialPipeline 05/05/2012 (a.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/29/2012 (a.m.)
200910085031.0 - 一种阻断TCP连接的方法和装置 - SooPAT专利搜索
SocialPipeline 04/21/2012 (p.m.)
Why You Should Worry About China's First Space Station
China has always played these objections to their advantage, giving the impression that they want to play nice but the other space kids don't let them play. But their ultimate space plans and reality say other things. In fact, Tiangong-1 contradicts China's own words. Back on June 7, 2011, Yang Liwei, deputy head of China's Manned Space Engineering Office and China's first astronaut in space, said that "China has enormous potential to cooperate with other countries in the field of space development [...] China is willing to make positive efforts in this regard."
Liwei later said that China wanted to develop docking technology compatible with the International Space Station. But, during a July 8 press conference, he recognized that Tiangong-1 isn't compatible with the ISS. How can they prove to the international space community that they can and want to collaborate when they aren't going to test their future docking tests according to ISS standards?
SocialPipeline 04/16/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/13/2012 (p.m.)
New Clarity on China Internet Outage - China Real Time Report - WSJ
One such company, CloudFlare — which provides web performance and security services for hundreds of thousands of small websites and which claims to handle more traffic than Amazon.com, Twitter, Wikipedia, Apple.com and Bing combined — similarly scrambled their engineers to check on the disappearing China traffic.
SocialPipeline 04/11/2012 (p.m.)
tags: Sharism
The Change.org petition was not responsible for attracting national media attention to the case, but I might argue that it helped sustain the story online. The petition gave news consumers a place to act on the sense of injustice the story stoked within them. It also gave celebrities a reason to tweet about the story. Almost half of the 5 million visits to the Change.org petition over this time period were referred by social media.
Given the scale of social media traffic, it's entirely possible that having an action to link to actually increased the rates of people sharing the story online. It's hard to measure the conversation independent of mainstream media coverage, but Pew's Research Center for Excellence in Journalism has found that, as Trayvon Martin became the number one topic discussed on Twitter between March 26-30, "calls for justice (21% of the conversation) and sympathy for the victim (19%) were the top themes on Twitter," both sentiments that lend themselves to including a link to take action.
We can measure conversion rate. Thirty-seven percent of the peop
SocialPipeline 04/10/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/09/2012 (p.m.)
Wealthy Chinese seek special visas to relocate to Bay Area - San Jose Mercury News
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And many are relocating to the Bay Area, whose large Asian population, good schools and comfortable lifestyle are powerful draws for Chinese multimillionaires concerned about the future of their homeland and seeking the own American dream.</p><p>"The rich people are trying to get green cards," said Ta-lin Hsu, founder and chairman of Palo Alto-based venture capital firm H&Q Asia Pacific, who spends a lot of time in Asia. He is frequently asked by business associates about how to immigrate to the United States.</p><p>"The main reason is, they still worry about the future stability of China," Hsu said. "The U.S. is a democracy, there is freedom and it's a safer place."</p><p>The exit door for many of these wealthy Chinese is opened by the fast-track visas America offers for well-heeled immigrants. Known as the EB-5, the visa requires applicants to invest $500,000 in projects in economically struggling regions or $1 million in a commercial venture in other locations. The investments must create or preserve 10 jobs for two years. If successful, the applicants and their families -- spouses and children younger than 21 -- are awarded permanent residency.</p><p>The foreign money is a w</p></div></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
Between 1992 and 2011, the number of applications for investor visas jumped 700 percent, from 474 to 3,805, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. In the past two years alone, the number applicants has nearly quadrupled. More applications by far come from China than any other country. Last year, 77 percent of all of those who applied for these visas were Chinese.
SocialPipeline 04/07/2012 (a.m.)
Light brings back bad memories | Science | guardian.co.uk
This led to the revival of the concept of the 'Grandmother cell,' a hypothetical neuron that encodes a complex, abstract concept, such as one's grandmother. Some researchers argue that each of these neurons encodes such a concept on its own. According to Fried, each cell is likely to be part of a sparsely distributed network of perhaps several million neurons. It is the network, and not individual neurons within it, that encodes a concept, or the memory of it. Individual cells are also likely to contribute to thousands or millions of other networks, too, each encoding a different concept or memory.
SocialPipeline 04/04/2012 (p.m.)
Google To Build Taiwan Data Center
Google's three Asian data centers will join its six in the United States and two in Europe.
SocialPipeline 03/18/2012 (p.m.)
Nerves of data: the neurological turn in/against networked media : Computational Culture
But I will also argue here that the neurological turn against, in particular, networked media comprises part of a ‘neural’ continuum in which the technics of contemporary media are more and more imbricated. This continuum stakes out a more generalized uptake of the neural as a means for extending a kind of symbiosis between new forms of software, computational architecture and soft ‘thought’. As it turns out, the recent push toward developing a general and global ‘artificial intelligence’ to accompany and ultimately overtake online search by networked corporations such as Google, also turns toward the neural. As George Dyson revealed as far back as 2005 after visiting Google HQ in Mountain View, the corporation had already begun its quest to capture the world’s data in order to build a form of distributed artificial intelligence: “We are not scanning all those books to be read by people,” explained one of my hosts after my talk. “We are scanning them to be read by an AI.”11 This may seem a long way from fears about the internet rewiring the brain. Yet, I want to suggest, it occupies part of a broad neural spectrum that pervades networked media research and development. A neural spectrum in which, at one end, it is asserted that our media rot our brains; and, at the other, a more subtle insertion, in which networked media interstitially territorialise circuits of thought and action. Google’s shift from search to AI, pre-empted in 2005 and announced more formally by Eric Schmidt Google’s CEO in 2010, stakes a claim over a new space for soft thought.12
SocialPipeline 03/14/2012 (p.m.)
Peter Thiel:Facebook天使投资人 2万倍神话 - 投资资讯 ·ChinaVenture投资中国网
Peter Thiel通过资助保护新闻记者委员会(Committee to Protect Journalists)、Seasteading学会、人权基金会(Human Rights Foundation)来推动自由理念。他投资了人工智能Singularity学院(Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence)的人工智能研究。同时,他通过奥斯陆自由论坛(Oslo Freedom Forum)和哲学家René Girard的研究对反暴力工作进行了资助,René Girard的研究成果在Imitatio上获得公布和推广。
SocialPipeline 03/13/2012 (p.m.)
- 百度、新浪、搜狐等一大批网络领军企业在北京的聚集,使北京成为带动和辐射全国的网络文化平台和阵地。截至2010年年底,北京地区拥有网站28万家,占全国网站数量的14.8%,规模以上的26家。全球浏览量排名前100名的网站全国共有10家,北京占7家。北京地区网民数量1218万人,互联网普及率达69.4%。
- 北京26家规模以上的网站中,除千龙网、首都之窗、北青网外,其余23家均为商业网站。据统计,截止到目前,北京地区26家主要网站中,千龙网、首都之窗、百度、新浪、优酷、空中信使、开心网、奇虎、第一视频新闻网9家建立了党组织,其中新浪和百度为党委。北京地区主要网站共有党员2068人,主要集中在大网站中,其中百度一家网站的党员人数就有975人。北京地区主要网站党员结构的突出特点是“两多一高一快”,即年轻人多、普通员工多,学历高,流动快。比如,在职位结构上,高层管理人员仅占2.2%,普通员工占69.8%。
tags: Diversity
SocialPipeline 03/13/2012 (a.m.)
BBC中文网 - 国际新闻 - 日本首相野田为外交冷遇台湾道歉
SocialPipeline 03/08/2012 (p.m.)
American Express transforms Twitter hashtags into savings for cardholders
tags: Sharism
Here’s how it works: An AmEx cardholder can sign in with Twitter to sync her account — a must-complete first step for savings. The customer is then eligible to tweet any of the current hashtag offers to receive savings that are automatically applied with each eligible purchase. No coupon, print or otherwise, is required.
Should you tweet with the “#AmexWholeFoods” hashtag, for instance, you’d get $20 back on your next trip to Whole Foods, as long as you spend $75 or more at the high-end grocery store before April 30.
SocialPipeline 03/05/2012 (p.m.)
Social entropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A related economic model is proposed by Thomas Homer-Dixon and by Charles Hall in relation to our declining productivity of energy extraction, or Energy Return on Energy Invested or EROEI. This measures the amount of surplus energy a society gets from using energy to obtain energy.
- An EROEI of more than ~3, then, is what appears necessary to provide the energy for societally important tasks, such as maintaining government, legal and financial institutions, a transportation infrastructure, manufacturing, building construction and maintenance and the life styles of the rich and poor that a society depends on.
tags: Entropy
What is the Second Law of Thermodynamics? In any spontaneous process there is always an increase of entropy in the universe (system plus surroundings). A process is spontaneous if the result is an increase in disorder. Cigarette smoke, from the tip of a lit cigarette can be detected from room to room, across the restaurant, in seconds. This is because the odiferous combustion molecules spontaneously distribute themselves to a state of disorder. You cannot spontaneously reverse the process and force them all back into the cigarette. The process goes only one way.
SocialPipeline 03/04/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 03/03/2012 (p.m.)
School of Thinking » 2010 » March
Babies do have plenty of neurons. More than adults. The brain is the only organ of the body that starts off big and gets smaller as unused neurons die off. Babies may have a 100 times more neurons than you do. However, a baby’s brain lacks connectivity. It lacks neural pathways. These have to be built up over a lot of time and a lot of repetition.
SocialPipeline 03/03/2012 (a.m.)
How memory formation is triggered by stem cells | KurzweilAI
Immortal worms defy aging | KurzweilAI
Each time an animal cell divides, the protective telomere “cap” gets shorter. When they get too short, the cell loses its ability to renew and divide. In an immortal animal, we would therefore expect cells to be able to maintain telomere length indefinitely so that they can continue to replicate. Aboobaker predicted that planarian worms actively maintain the ends of their chromosomes in adult stem cells, leading to theoretical immortality.
SocialPipeline 02/27/2012 (p.m.)
Universe Has 100x More Entropy Than We Thought - Slashdot
- "Previous estimates are now thought to skimp on the entropy of the observable universe. The researchers contend that super-massive black holes are the largest contributor of entropy. Since they contribute two orders of magnitude more than previously thought, the total of all the observable universe is correspondingly higher. The paper highlights (in gruesome detail) new issues that arise with these new calculations — like estimating us a little bit closer to heat death (moving entropy totals from 10^102 to 10^104 out of a maximum of 10^122)."
Second law of thermodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the second law, the entropy of any isolated system, such as the entire universe, never decreases. If the entropy of the universe has a maximum upper bound then when this bound is reached the universe has no thermodynamic free energy to sustain motion or life, that is, the heat death is reached.
苏小和 : 雷锋,如此年轻的螺丝钉 - 一五一十部落 | My1510
汉娜·阿伦特在《耶路撒冷的艾希曼》中提到了 “平庸的恶”(evil of banality)的观点。她指出,日常生活中貌似本分、规矩的人在极权主义的机器里发挥的螺丝钉作用,由于丧失判断善恶的思维,会犯下巨大的罪过。幸运的雷锋并没有活到这个国家最荒谬的时代,不过不难预料,倘若亲身经历文革,他必定会被卷入狂热的革命浪潮中。当失控的国家机器遍地屠戮,螺丝钉也将沾染上血迹。
A battery breakthrough that could bring electric cars to the masses — Cleantech News and Analysis
Envia says with an energy density of 400 watt-hours per kilogram, its battery cell costs could be at $125 per kWh. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said recently that he sees battery cells dropping in price to below $200 per kWh in the coming years. Current electric cars like the Volt have been reported to be closer to $500 to $600 per kWh, and the Nissan LEAF at $375 per kWh.
SocialPipeline 02/23/2012 (p.m.)
Musical Creativity and the Brain - Dana Foundation
tags: Brain
Attacks on the Press in 2011: Abolishing Censorship - Committee to Protect Journalists
More broadly, in an information economy, it could be argued that censorship itself is a restraint on trade. For example, China's insistence that Google censor its search results undermined the company's business model. And Isaac Mao, a Chinese entrepreneur and blogger, notes that Chinese online censorship may be starting to disrupt the global Internet.
"China set up the Great Firewall at the gateway to the world to block people's free access to overseas websites," Mao said. But recent research has uncovered a global impact, including instances in which Internet users from Chile to California were routed through servers inside China--and were thus caught in the country's censorship web. "People living in New York City who try to study Chinese would hit the wall when websites include some 'sensitive words,'" Mao explained.