- N1: Neuron 1 name
N2: Neuron 2 name
Type: Type of synapse: S: Send or output (Neuron 1 pre-synaptic to Neuron 2); Sp: Send-poly (Neuron 1 is pre-synaptic to more than one postsynaptic partner. Neuron 2 is just one of these post-synaptic neurons, see Figure 1 below. In White et al, 1986, these polyadic synaptic connections were denoted by “m” in the tables of Appendix 1); R: Receive or input (Neuron 1 is post-synaptic to Neuron 2); Rp: Receive-poly (Neuron 1 is one of several post-synaptic partners of Neuron 2. See Figure 1 and above); EJ: Electric junction; NMJ: Neuromuscular junction (only reconstructed NMJ's are represented).
It must be noted that at polyadic synaptic sites, not all “send-poly” were faithfully labeled as such in White et al, 1986. Some pre-synaptic connections were labeled simply as “sends”. Reconciliation of chemical synapses did not previously distinguish between send from send-poly and receive from receive-poly. In this new reconciliation, the total number of send and send-poly is equal to the total number of receive and receive-poly (S+Sp=R+Rp). Every documented synapse is now listed in this Table, both with respect to the sending neuron and with respect to the receiving neuron(s).
Nbr: Number of synapses between the given neuron pair.
Ball-and-stick: 5 - Parallel Net -- Sage
In a parallel context across several machines, communication between hosts can be computationally inefficient when the frequency of events is high and when the message being sent is large. NEURON uses an efficient priority queueing mechanism to deliver events to targets after the delay specified by the NetCon. The message passed is succinct. It is an integer, the unique global identifier (gid) of the source. The following two figures illustrate these ideas and come from Hines M.L. and Carnevale N.T, Translating network models to parallel hardware in NEURON, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 169 (2008) 425–455. Users should also consult the ParallelContext reference.
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