The Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real - Anil Dash
- 此外,据俄罗斯中文媒体透露,中国代表团在与华商代表举行会谈时表示说,希望广大在俄华商转变经营方式,严格遵守俄罗斯当地法律法规。
- 中国威视公司前董事长是胡锦涛的儿子胡海峰,纳米比亚司法当局不排除传唤胡海峰的可能性。中国媒体对此案保持沉默,互联网关键词被屏蔽。
- 文章说,如果外国投资者们以前认为他们不必太关注中国在基本权利方面的作为,那么力拓事件应该使他们警醒。
- 凯恩在文章中说,虽然过去十年来中国政府在司法改革方面做了很多工作,但它的司法系统并不稳定而且仍有很大的不可知性。对于什么是国家最大利益的判定必须服从于真正的法制这一概念,中国共产党仍感到不很舒服。泄漏国家机密这一罪名就是最好的例证。
- 文章说中国一些主要的互联网引擎例如新浪和网易等在报道了有关威视公司在纳米比亚涉嫌腐败接受调查的文章后,几个小时都无法打开。文章说中国的中宣部发出通知说凡是带有诸如胡海峰、纳米比亚、纳米比亚行贿案调查等字样的关键词搜索时,一律不要显示搜索结果。
Technology on way to forecasting humanity's needs
In tomorrow's (July 24) "Perspectives" section of the journal Science, Vespignani writes that advances in complex networks theory and modeling, along with access to new data, will enable humans to achieve true predictive power in areas never before imagined. This capability will be realized as the one wild card in the mix -- the social behavior of large aggregates of humans -- becomes more definable through progress in data gathering, new informatics tools and increases in computational power.
Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky - tech - 23 July 2009 - New Scientist
The device is an extension of its controversial Active Denial System, which uses microwaves to heat the surface of the skin, creating a painful sensation without burning that strongly motivates the target to flee. The ADS was unveiled in 2001, but it has not been deployed owing to legal issues and safety fears.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.