- 最后说说我的一些看法吧。。自中国共产堂诞生的那一天。。他就是为了广大的农民群众,无产阶级,再看看现在。有哪个农民伯伯会说堂不好的。。好处一大堆啊。。说都说不完。。。
八阕 · 广角新闻 · 文 史:【季羡林与“六四”大屠杀(组图)】
- 6月22日北京当局发出通缉令,缉拿首都知识界联合会七名主要干部,后来这一名单扩大为二十三名。而季羡林虽然不是首都知识界联合会七名主要干部之一,却是四十多位发起人之一。六四大屠杀以后,中国国家安全部及中国公安部下达了全国通缉令以后,季羡林主动打电话给戒严部队指挥部自首,自报是“首都知识界联合会成员”,说在家里等候处置。不过中共当局投鼠忌器,始终不敢逮捕季羡林。季羡林当时已经七十八岁高龄,这个可能是中共当局始终不敢逮捕季羡林的原因。但无论如何,季羡林敢于在这个发起人名单上签名,是相当了不起的勇敢行为。相形之下,首鼠两端的李泽厚就不敢,而且警告其他签名人人要“清醒一点”。
- The Domain Name System (DNS) has been with us for a long time, turning host
and domain names into IP addresses. Along the way, numerous flaws have
been found in the protocol, including last year's Kaminsky DNS flaw, which just
added to the clamor to see DNS replaced. But, DNS still hasn't gone away,
and doesn't
look like it will anytime soon, at least partially because its replacement,
DNSSEC, doesn't really resolve all of
the problems, and it creates some
of its own. A proposal by Daniel J. Bernstein (aka djb), called DNSCurve, has some interesting features that
might make it a viable alternative to DNS and DNSSEC—perhaps one that
can be widely
China Detains Internet Users Who Wrote on Scandal - PC World
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