Specifications | Galileoscope.org
The Galileoscope™: An IYA2009 Cornerstone Project | Galileoscope.org
Lookout Paypal! Google Checkout's New Gadget is Incredibly Simple
Ape Brain Narcissism Misses the Singularity: An Artificial Life View | h+ Magazine
'Rosetta stone' offers digital lifeline
- Researchers working in Japan say they might have the breakthrough archivists are praying for - a sealed permanent memory bank that will be easily readable now and far into the next millennium.
- Tightly sealed, powered and read wirelessly, such a device, he claims, would yield its digital secrets even after 1000 years, making any stored information as resilient as it were set in stone itself.
American Society for Technion-Israel Institute of Technology: Robot Can Crawl Through Human Body
- Unlike the $14 billion ITER project under way in France, General Fusion's approach doesn't rely on expensive superconducting magnets--called tokamaks--to contain the superheated plasma necessary to achieve and sustain a fusion reaction. Nor does the company require powerful lasers, such as those within the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, to confine a plasma target and compress it to extreme temperatures until fusion occurs.
Where Is Xu Zhiyong?: Letter from China : The New Yorker
- At around 5 A.M. on Wednesday, Chinese authorities visited the home of Xu Zhiyong, a prominent legal scholar and elected legislator in Beijing, and led him away. He has not been heard from again. Unless something changes, he is likely to stay away for a long time, with or without formal charges. Anyone with an interest in China, its economy, its place in the world, or the kind of future it will fashion, please take note: This is a big deal.
The Little Secret of Web Startups
- Consumer startups are tough. You have two basic choices: A paid offering or a free offering (or freemium). If you charge people a penny, you’ll turn off the bulk of your visitors. If you offer free services, you might grow to be the next YouTube, Wordpress or Facebook. Most entrepreneurs are not risk-averse and the dream of being big is just too appealing and the majority of us take the “free-route”.
- 1、向 send@webtomail.co.cc 发送一封邮件,主题部分写上你想看的网页的 URL,比如 http://calon.weblogs.us/
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.