Social networks talk hidden architectures • The Register
- "Yes, we run Windows!" he said. "It's actually a pretty good server platform. IIS is a pretty good web server. Tuned properly, it's going to serve pages; it's not going to crash or tip over when it gets Slashdotted with two requests. It's pretty solid. What isn't solid about Windows is the large-scale management tools."
- In 2004 and 2007, cryptographers published research showing that the once-common MD5 hash function suffers weaknesses that could allow attackers to create these "collisions." Since then, most certificate authorities have moved to more secure hashes. But in an automated survey earlier this year, the researchers presenting in Berlin say they discovered a weak link at Verisign-owned RapidSSL, which was still signing certificates using MD5. Out of 38,000 website certificates the team collected, 9,485 were signed using MD5, and 97% of those were issued by RapidSSL.
- "We don't believe anybody will reproduce our attack before the certificate authority has fixed it," says Mulnar.
- 人类的不完美历来促进了技术的革新,如同儿童的头盖屋不完整之前却仍然可以生存 - post by isaacmao
- "The RapidSSL certificates are currently using the MD5 hash function today," he concedes. "And the reason for that is because when you're dealing with widespread technology and [public key infrastructure] technology, you have phase-in and phase-out processes that cane take significant periods of time to implement."
Flickr Photo Download: [北埔poladroid type]傳說中那個好運的晴朗午後
司马南的失败_王建章的博客_凤凰博报 - Annotated
- 声明:我很想不通,如下一篇为伟大的中国共产党真心辩护的文章昨天竟然惨遭凤凰网阉割!司马南只会报复南方周末,从来不敢跟杨恒钧较劲!于是杨恒钧在凤凰网上是很舒服的,因为他是没有论敌的。即便有,因为非技术性原因,也很快要下场!怎能这么干呢?我觉得太幽默了,好写荒诞小说了。故而再试发一遍,总不能一声不吭就缴械吧!哈哈!
- 没有自己的自由思维,何谈左右 - post by isaacmao
- 但司马南太鲁莽,他用的词汇,给人的感觉是他反对民主,因为在他的语境里,民主不自觉地被设定为贬义词汇。而这是杨恒钧他们所喜欢的。并且他坚决否认他是美国的走狗,并高调宣称,他是以尽全力批评大陆来爱国——这逻辑并非说不通,但总是有点伪善的味道——个人以为。
- 托克维尔在《论美国的民主》里评论美国民主的真正核心与根基是美国的“乡镇自由”,从殖民地时代开始就有的“乡镇自由”,是远远早于美国的宪法历史的。这一点,我知道杨恒钧们是没有读过也读不懂也不愿意去承认的。他们也不知道,南北战争也是美国民主走向成熟的重要根本转折与代价——这种基本历史观,他们是没有的,如果有他们会更慎言一些——因为,难道让中国好不容易稳定后再来一次动荡,这显然不是好办法!
- 陈致中夫妇如果在审判中提出认罪协商,法界人士分析,将可以减轻陈致中夫妇的刑责,不过,如果坦承犯罪,金钱来源是不法所得,极有可能影响到陈水扁夫妇的刑责,陈致中的做法,是不是与父母切割以求自保,已经引发外界的讨论,而在羁押庭结束后,陈水扁在凌晨三点半被押送到台北看守所,这是陈水扁第二度遭到羁押,但由于没有禁见,因此陈水扁不再羁押在原有的房舍,收容编号也重新挑选,不延用原来的编号“ 2630年” ,而是改为新的2185年,陈水扁也将在收容所中渡过新年。
- 第一,您将嫖客——这一正当公民社会的消费者与贪官污吏还有被欺骗愚弄的年轻解放军战士比,是不甚妥当的,对我们正当的消费者是一种侮辱。
- “至于中国海军,”恩德布尔笑着说:“网上的报道铺天盖地,我们从没跟中国海军打过交道,很想知道中国海军和别的国家海军有什么不同。不过,有其他海盗组织劫船时遇上了特别强硬的中国人,居然没有得手。但我想中国军队是文明之师,再说中国还是许多非洲国家的老朋友,对我们应该不会很差。”恩德布尔最后说:“不管哪国海军,在我们眼里都一样,我们当然不会鸡蛋碰石头,主动找军舰的麻烦。这一点对中国军舰也不例外。”
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