- 就说体育吧,中超全面崩盘,CBA也是靠外援撑场面。山西队来了个棒子,只打了两场就嚷嚷着要夺CBA冠军。没办法,人家是真正的NBA明星级外援,我看了山西打北京那场,棒子只使了5分力气,就拿了41分,篮板助攻抢断也都没有对手。体育是硬碰硬,有了NBA,基本上就没CBA什么事儿了。
- 现在,这位成为众矢之的的教师似乎在一家民办学校找到了新工作。北京私立开华培训学校人士对新华社表示,他们已经与范美忠签订了两年期合同。据称,他们看中了范美忠“丰富的教学经验和才能”。
A season of giving, a sense of common purpose | Change.gov: The Obama-Biden Transition Team
- This holiday season, their families celebrate with a joy that is muted knowing that a loved one is absent, and sometimes in danger. In towns and cities across America, there is an empty seat at the dinner table; in distant bases and on ships at sea, our servicemen and women can only wonder at the look on their child’s face as they open a gift back home.
- That is why this season of giving should also be a time to renew a sense of common purpose and shared citizenship. Now, more than ever, we must rededicate ourselves to the notion that we share a common destiny as Americans – that I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper. Now, we must all do our part to serve one another; to seek new ideas and new innovation; and to start a new chapter for our great country.
China's momentous 2008: the year in video | News | guardian.co.uk
- I can read Wikipedia, but I heard from other people it's hit & miss. I had no problem with porn sites though.
I always thought this censoring by Chinese government is really stupid. Today I read a excellent column on NY Times by World-is-flat author Tom Friedman, towards the end of the article, it struck a chord with me: - For the benefit of the China and Chinese people's future, Mr. Hu, Tear down this great fire-wall. (tear down this wall). 胡哥, 这墙拆了得了.
- 另据新华社报道,来自中国银联日本代表处的消息说,网上商城的中文名字定为“佰益杰”,网址目前尚未最后确定,初步定为“buy-jp.com”。据悉,对中国消费者来说,在网上购买小额的商品将有可能获得免税待遇。
absolutely, green food make sense
- have shown that both calorie restriction and intermittent fasting along with vitamin and mineral intake, increase resistance to disease, extend lifespan, and stimulate production of neurons from stem cells.
- Physical exercise may also have beneficial effects on neuron
regeneration by stimulating regeneration of brain and muscle cells via
activation of stress proteins and the production of growth factors. But
again, additional research suggests that not all exercise is equal.
Interestingly, some researchers found that exercise considered drudgery
was not beneficial in neuronal regeneration, but physical activity that
was engaged in purely for fun, even if equal time was spent and equal
calories were burned, resulted in neuronal regeneration.
Suspected Santa gunman takes life; 8 others dead - CNN.com
- 儿童发展专家们表示,从7月播放的唯一一部奥巴马全家到场的采访来看,奥巴马一家显得非常健康,因为他们在录影中显得充满爱意而易于沟通。奥巴马和他的夫人米切尔(Michelle)都发誓要为孩子们维持尽可能稳定的生活,并准备请外祖母玛丽安•罗宾逊(Marian Robinson)到华盛顿协助照料孩子。
- 不过,人口流动放慢的政治影响却非常明显。在2010年国会议员名额比例分配之后,东北部和中西部将有一些选区消失,而南部和西部各州可能继续增加。不过,华盛顿政治咨询机构Election Data Services对统计数据的即时分析显示,一些州增加的议席将比经济萧条发生前预计的要少。
- 3. 杨致远(Jerry Yang)同微软(Microsoft)斗气,又以失败告终:如果在1999年,哪怕是2006年,那么雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行长杨致远还可以对微软每股33美元的收购报价嗤之以鼻,索要更高的价格。但如今是2008年。在提高了本已不菲的报价后,微软决定不值得再陪杨致远玩下去了,终止了总值485亿美元的收购商谈。几个月后,随着雅虎股价现在已跌至每股约11美元,杨致远声称微软的最佳选择仍是收购雅虎。好像王牌在他的手中一样。想在这个世上找个傻子吗?那就是杨致远。
- 时间在一分一秒的流逝,我的神经已经疲惫,手指和脚趾都冻麻了。虽然我极力让自己保持冷静──特别是在有可能因一场冲突而丢脸的官员们面前,但我还是发火了:“我需要把这事办完!”我用中文喊叫道。“可以!可以!我一整天没干别的事。我赔了很多钱。我很快就要回美国了,我今天必须把这辆车卖掉。我再抽不出一天时间了,你们可以把这件事办完!”
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.