PPG卷款门扑朔迷离 众风险投资人有苦说不出 - 投资资讯 ·ChinaVenture投资中国网
- 负责中国南区投资的集富亚洲董事总经理朱建寰在接受本报记者采访时显得有些不耐烦,当记者问及PPG投资人对于PPG的态度时,他连连以“我没有必要跟你说”来表达态度,然后挂断电话。而KPCB方面,汝林琪和合伙人吴云龙的手机连连几天皆无人接听。
Science News / Florence Nightingale: The Passionate Statistician
- By the time Nightingale left Turkey after the war ended in July
1856, the hospitals were well-run and efficient, with mortality rates
no greater than civilian hospitals in England, and Nightingale had
earned a reputation as an icon of Victorian women. Her later and less
well-known work, however, saved far more lives. She brought about
fundamental change in the British military medical system, preventing
any such future calamities. To do it, she pioneered a brand-new method
for bringing about social change: applied statistics.
- The G Team: Nicole Wong, the “Decider”; Andrew McLaughlin, global public-policy director; and Kent Walker, general counsel.
- Wong decided that Google, by using a technique called I.P. blocking, would prevent access to videos that clearly violated Turkish law, but only in Turkey. For a time, her solution seemed to satisfy the Turkish judges, who restored YouTube access. But last June, as part of a campaign against threats to symbols of Turkish secularism, a Turkish prosecutor made a sweeping demand: that Google block access to the offending videos throughout the world, to protect the rights and sensitivities of Turks living outside the country. Google refused, arguing that one nation’s government shouldn’t be able to set the limits of speech for Internet users worldwide. Unmoved, the Turkish government today continues to block access to YouTube in Turkey.
- sure, no limitation on compromise - post by isaacmao
- they decide what controversial material does and doesn’t appear on the local search engines that Google maintains in many countries in the world, as well as on Google.com. As a result, Wong and her colleagues arguably have more influence over the contours of online expression than anyone else on the planet.
Google Earth Used by Terrorists in India Attacks - PC World
- Indian security agencies have complained that Google Earth exposed Indian defense and other sensitive installations. Other nations, including China, have made similar complaints regarding military locations.
What Your Computer Does While You Wait : Gustavo Duarte
- The first thing that jumps out is how absurdly fast our processors are. Most simple instructions on the Core 2 take one clock cycle to execute, hence a third of a nanosecond at 3.0Ghz. For reference, light only travels ~4 inches (10 cm) in the time taken by a clock cycle. It’s worth keeping this in mind when you’re thinking of optimization - instructions are comically cheap to execute nowadays.
How a Simple Layout Can Be Mixed ‘n’ Matched with Patterns, Photos and Backgrounds - PSDTUTS
Pomfret's China: PostGlobal on washingtonpost.com
- China canceled it. The reason? Because several European leaders -- including French President Nicolas Sarkozy -- have recently met with the Dalai Lama. Whoa! Now there's a solid reason if I ever saw one. You meet with Buddhist spiritual leader, we blow off key meeting on future of the world.
- Europe is China's largest market. But the Europeans are restless. European businesses want to know why they sell more stuff to Switzerland than to China. Cancel a summit and these questions will only grow louder.
- They've wheeled out the old bogeyman of Chinese political calculus, claiming that unidentified "hard-liners" were behind the cancellation. That's rich.
- This article says it like it needs to be said. Pmfret is right, China often cuts off its nose to spite its face. The reason China punishes France as if it were a child is because Beijing thinks France is in weak enough position to be bullied. Beijing knows that it can't control Washington so they pick on the waffling Europeans that have set themselves up to be bullied.
奥巴马完成下届政府成员任命 - FT中文网 - FTChinese.com
- 随着还有50多天就职总统,奥巴马几乎以创纪录的时间确定了内阁名单。1992年,克林顿(Clinton)直至12月才宣布了第一个内阁成员的任命。奥巴马继上周宣布纽约联邦储备银行行长蒂姆•盖特纳(Tim Geithner)将出任财政部长之后,目前已经完成了所有的主要内阁成员的任命。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.