- 当然也不排除另外一种极有可能的情况,那就是《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网这次不是被北京解除了封锁,而是它们自己突破了北京的封锁。
《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网到底是被北京解除了封锁,还是他们自己突破了封锁,各自清楚。但有一点是最清楚的,那就是封锁肯定是北京干的。(文/福禄祯祥http://www.fulue.com/) - 《纽约时报》网和BBC中文网到底是被北京解除了封锁,还是他们自己突破了封锁,各自清楚。但有一点是最清楚的,那就是封锁肯定是北京干的。(文/福禄祯祥http://www.fulue.com/)
- 我也是走马观花。两天而已。这么短的时间一窥表面的东西而已,灾民真正的痛和苦,也许只有那么自己最清楚。
China Digital Times » Interview with Anti-CNN Founder Qi Hanting
- Qi Hanting’s response:
First, I want to clarify that I was involved in the establishment of Anti-CNN (hereafter referred to as AC), but I’ve already quit the job. My ideas weren’t fully implemented at AC, but I think all the ACers did it with the mindset of facilitating communication. AC’s original slogan was “Do not oppose media, but oppose factual distortion.” Certainly it may have gone astray later on, but the original intention was good and also played a role. In relation to my explanation of AC, you can search it on the website “ohmynews”, where an old lady who invented the term ‘netizen’ interviewed me and posted it there. - Chinese education, to make a comparison, is just like the communist party. Many people are dissatisfied, and many think they can do better. But actually [China's system] in the current stage, although not the best, is the only one that is relatively applicable. My view of Chinese education hasn’t changed too much.
- I personally participate in politics to some degree. I attend some meetings and write some articles. I care about facts and further care about some fundamental problems such as energy and food.
Maryland Students Use Speed Cameras for Revenge
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 中国成立新的电视媒体联合机构 - Annotated
- 据中央电视台负责人介绍,这一新机构的成立是为了落实中央领导要求的一项战略协作,为夺取国际话语权构筑新的阵地。
- 赤裸裸 - post by isaacmao
This is the aftermath of the snowstorm, Boston on TwitPic
China's video sharing websites hunger for capital
- Victor Koo, CEO of Youku.com, Tudou.com's major rival, believes the severe market situation will help to restructure the industry, leaving the most competitive one or two video sharing websites to survive.
地下鄉愁藍調:11/29 音樂五四三:深度專訪張培仁 - 樂多日誌
- 然而,那已經是台灣流行音樂產業的最後一波好光景。進入二十一世紀,唱片工業迅速崩毀,魔岩在2001年結束營業,Landy也離開他待了十幾年的滾石集團。沉潛一段時間之後,他創立了「中子創新文化」,一方面開發社群平台,創建了StreetVoice網站,同時投身展演活動策劃的工作,籌辦了頗受矚目的「台客搖滾」和「簡單生活節」系列活動。
- 西安电子科技大学为学生作主,每人办一张信用卡,事情已经以学校公开道歉并注销信用卡而结束。据报“学生情绪平稳,秩序井然”。但我的耳边,仍然回响着中央人民广播电台记者在校采访的录音。这是校方人员的声音:“我们马上要在网上公布消息,而且要占领天涯,占领你们所有得到信息的渠道”。记者要离开采访地点时,校方人员说,“既来之,则安之”,“你先别走,你要这样,我可以让保卫处来扣留你!我可以马上扣留你!”
- 李晶:“这个问题老早就那个了,因为拘留证啊什么都没给我啊。我在想,一个他母亲年纪大,对一些事情的看法可能也不一样。第二就是说,我这边网络有时还方便一点。这些拘留证什么给我,也怕我外传之类的。所以,东西都给了他母亲了,什么都没给我。”
What is Google China thinking? - CNET Asia Blogs: The Tech Dynasty by Ryan McLaughlin, China
- Correctly put, I imagine Google simply uses search frequency and number of results to decide these, so it is actually more an indicator of what is on the minds of China's car driving, hygiene conscious, promiscuous, premature ejaculating public.
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