I’d been meaning to do a proper redesign of this blog for some time. The content part was reshuffled a couple of months ago, and I was pretty pleased with how that turned out. But the header was a watered down version of the old Papertrail theme and far too boring. That’s why I asked Blondmonster to help me out.
Suzanne’s a former colleague, and a fabulous designer. I really like the stuff she does, and ‘boring’ is simply not in her vocabulary. She came up with the underwater theme, did all the drawing and all I had to do was put it all together. Hope you like the result. The theme was tailor-made for this blog, so don’t expect it to become available for download any time soon.
- 资金正开始源源流向基础设施项目。奥巴马政府还从金融业救助资金中拿出了数十亿美元,以帮助陷入困境的房主调整按揭贷款,并推动信贷向小企业流动。奥巴马虽然向通用汽车(General Motors)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)抛出了救生索,但却解雇了通用汽车的首席执行长。财政部长盖特纳(Geithner)为改革金融监管体系制定了指导原则。
- 作为总统,奥巴马承诺他的政府将具备“空前的”透明度,并禁止过去两年内曾充当游说人士的任何人在他的政府中任职。白宫已经因对某些被提名人网开一面以及任命的部分高层官员涉嫌逃税而遭受批评。还有人指责奥巴马政府的禁令太过严厉,很难找到合格的人来填满重要职位。
Game On TV and Video Games Strain Children's Vision
- Children need appropriate visual stimulation for sight to develop normally. Parents should limit TV and computer games, especially in children under six whose sight is still developing, though the effects occur in older children too.
- Keith Holland, a leading specialist in children's eye problems who examined 12,500 children's eyes in the last decade, noting an "alarming increase" in problems linked to TV and computer game exposure, says:
Shu Lea Cheang’s talk at the Stifo@Sandberg conference 郑淑丽在桑德柏会议上的讲话 | We need money not art
- 中国官员在奥运期间要求减低60%-70%的汽车尾气排放以及30%的工业废气排放。为检验控制效果,瑞士联邦理工学院的学者Jan Cermak和一位同事研究了02年到08年间各年8.1-9.19的北京大气悬浮物的卫星数据以及风向、相对湿度等对大气质量有影响的气候数据,预测了在没有大气控制情况下北京地区在奥运期间的空气污染程度。结果表明当时北京地区大气悬浮物减少了10%-15%。这一弱小变化表明虽然北京当地排放得到控制,但是北京南方和东南方的工业区污染依旧通过风力到达北京。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.