Berkshire Encyclopedia of Processed Foods in Popular Culture: 1 April 2009
21st Century Skills - Sample Assessments for Elementary and Middle School
- 在毛的时代,大多数城市居民有固定工作。从单位领取工资和劳保(以及分配住房),享受医疗教育等待遇。城市就业者的收入基本相等,不同城市之间的收入差距很低。不过在上世纪50年代,由于禁止农村人口向城市流动,农村地区缺乏工业,全国大部分农副粮食市场被关闭,意味着农村人口整体上比城市人口更为贫穷。据托马斯·罗斯基估算,这一时期城乡收入之比已高达5或6倍。
Chinese Law Prof Blog: China establishes public database of judgment debtors
- Here's a very interesting development: on March 30, 2009, the Supreme People's Court opened to public use a web-based database of all judgment debtors in all courts in the country (except military courts). When I say "judgment debtor" (the Chinese term is 被执行人, perhaps most directly translated as "executee"), I mean defendants who have had executable judgments rendered against them and have not yet complied, regardless of whether there is money involved; it may be they are required to do some act, not just to pay money. Since the purpose of this database is apparently to increase compliance, I am assuming without actually knowing that judgment debtors are removed from the list once they comply. The list includes all judgment debtors in new cases starting in 2007 and in cases begun before then where there is an unexecuted judgment. According to an article in Caijing, the database now has over 6 million cases.
越南军官:我们海军虽弱却控制中国南海24个岛! - 自由飞翔的日志 - 网易博客
- 中国强大有什么用?我们不是总嚷嚷落后就要挨打吗?为何强大了反而不打自软?我们建设强大军队有什么用?仅仅是为了对付台湾吗?军队不保家卫国守护边疆,要这样强大军队有什么用?
- 总统送给女王一个iPod,里面有已经下载的女王2007年对美国进行国事访问的视频,这可能是周到地考虑到王室访问iTunes会很麻烦。与此同时,奥巴马夫妇得到的礼物是放在银制相框中的,呃,女王伉俪的照片,这是王室惯例。
- 杨诗坤/虽然最近在香港出版了《央视之殃》的李春光透露,中央电视台台长赵化勇企图以尽快退休换取免除中纪委对其个人调查,将元宵之夜的央视新址大火归罪于中央电视台副台长李晓明和一批小人物,但温家宝却在日前召开的国务院常务会上决定:对央视新址大火事件展开问责调查。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.