- 当作为源头的政治开始受到污染的时候,社会的方方面面便无一能够幸免。司法部门开始贪污,老百姓便明白了还是有钱好说话;教育部开始造假,学生们便在实践中学会了说谎;反腐斗士遭报复,人们便开始提醒自己不可强当出头鸟;灾区政府挥霍赈灾捐款,网友们便纷纷表示再也不捐款了,甚至要求退钱……当我们看着“南京彭宇案”、“华南虎事件”、“躲猫猫事件”等政界丑闻一再发生的时候,我们又有何资格去指责老百姓素质低下、麻木不仁呢?实在是不如此就难以自保,不如此不足以生存啊!
- 雷锋做好事不留名,但都记日记本里了。
如何找到Twitter上最有趣的中文用户 - 旁观者 - 郑昀 - CSDNBlog
twitter 作为一个各种 memeTracker 工具制造者,我(@zhengyun)一直想知道Twitter上什么样的人值得follow、对我的胃口,当然他得是中文用户,说的事儿怎么着也得跟中国有点儿关系。
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 澳媒称中国网络间谍攻击陆克文电邮
- 由于陆克文总理敦促西方让中国在国际货币基金组织中拥有更大的话语权,澳洲反对党抨击陆克文总理的行为就象是北京的"巡回大使"。
- 在此之前,澳洲国防部长菲兹吉本被指在4年前受一名据称"能影响中国政界"的华裔女富商刘女士资助前往中国两次,但由于未申报,此事被澳媒体升级为"间谍门"事件。
Why Your Heart Loves Hershey’s - RealAge Tip of the Day
- Cocoa flavonoids help to widen and relax blood vessels and may activate an enzyme that helps lower blood pressure, too. But remember to be calorie wise: A little bit of chocolate goes a long way. And dark chocolate is best. Just in case you need a few more reasons to eat chocolate, here’s more good stuff:
National security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- National security is an undertaking lower in complexity only to the International security. It directly or indirectly encompass much of the national public administration. At its basic, national security can be divided into internal national security and external national security.
- Further removed from the national borders are the external security concerns derived from measures taken by other states or non-state groups to directly or indirectly, through use of economic instruments, interrupt, damage or attack economic systems that would adversely influence national quality of life, resulting in an Economic warfare. If an economic conflict can not be resolved through diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats, it generally escalates into a larger and more acute military conflict that necessitates maintaining effective national armed forces.
- The concept of security of a nation goes back to the dawn of nation-states themselves. Armies for domestic peacekeeping and maintaining national sovereignty have existed since the dawn of recorded history.
Consciousness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- In Christian theology, conscience stands for the moral conscience in which our actions and intentions are registered and which is only fully known to God. Medieval writers such as Thomas Aquinas describe the conscientia as the act by which we apply practical and moral knowledge to our own actions.[7]
- Access consciousness (A-consciousness) is the phenomenon whereby information in our minds is accessible for verbal report, reasoning, and the control of behavior. So, when we perceive, information about what we perceive is often access conscious; when we introspect, information about our thoughts is access conscious; when we remember, information about the past (e.g., something that we learned) is often access conscious; and so on. Chalmers thinks that access consciousness is less mysterious than phenomenal consciousness, so that it is held to pose one of the easy problems of consciousness. Dennett denies that there is a "hard problem", asserting that the totality of consciousness can be understood in terms of impact on behavior, as studied through heterophenomenology. There have been numerous approaches to the processes that act on conscious experience from instant to instant. Dennett (1988) suggests that what people think of as phenomenal consciousness, such as qualia, are judgments and consequent behaviour. He extends this analysis (Dennett, 1996) by arguing that phenomenal consciousness can be explained in terms of access consciousness, denying the existence of qualia, hence denying the existence of a "hard problem." Chalmers, on the other hand, argues that Dennett's explanatory processes merely address aspects of the easy problem. Eccles and others have pointed out the difficulty of explaining the evolution of qualia, or of 'minds' which experience them, given that all the processes governing evolution are physical and so have no direct access to them. There is no guarantee that all people have minds, nor any way to verify whether one does or does not possess one.
- For a long time in scientific psychology, consciousness as a research topic or explanatory concept had been banned. Research on topics associated with consciousness were conducted under the banner of attention. Modern investigations into consciousness are based on psychological statistical studies and case studies of consciousness states and the deficits caused by lesions, stroke, injury, or surgery that disrupt the normal functioning of human senses and cognition. These discoveries suggest that the mind is a complex structure derived from various localized functions that are bound together with a unitary awareness.
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- 在滿城爭說楊妹奇聞的同時,社會上還爭唱一首《古怪歌》。歌詞中有這樣的句子:往年古怪少啊,今年古怪多;板凳爬上牆啊,燈草打破了鍋;月亮西邊出啊,太陽東邊落;半夜三更黑古怪喲,老虎闖進了門哪,我問他來幹什麼,他說保護小綿羊啊!清早走進城啊,看見狗咬人哪,只許他們汪汪叫哇。不許人用嘴來講話!
- 明擺著的事實是,對中共種種謊言的戳破和評析文章,汗牛充棟,沒有多少新鮮話了。而中共領導人的耳朵早已生出厚厚的繭子。這“草泥馬-戈壁-河蟹”七個字的打擊力,是不可小覷的。我們固然不可把這種方式當作爭取民主的正規軍,但它也不失為一支幹練的反專制的小分隊。
- 此楷书造字拼凑痕迹太重,但总体平衡,下面个人说一下其不足。尼字用了收,让字形平均,但还太靠下。马字笔划粗了一点,还应加点斜度与尼字应和穿插。字体还应该再方一点,以利和别的字搭配印刷用。最后作为笔划多的字体,整体应收小(满收空放),笔划要细一点,以免太重。
蘋果動新聞 - 20090331 - 反強權「神獸」紅爆 網友創新字
- 這 一 新 造 字 由 「 草 」 、 「 泥 」 、 「 馬 」 三 個 漢 字 各 自 的 一 個 部 份 共 同 組 成 。 許 多 網 友 都 在 自 己 的 博 客 上 轉 載 了 這 一 新 字 , 並 做 了 一 些 惡 搞 圖 片 。 不 少 網 民 驚 嘆 : 「 連 字 都 造 出 來 了 ! 」 並 對 造 此 新 字 者 深 表 佩 服 : 「 強 人 永 遠 不 會 被 埋 沒 ! 」 不 過 , 也 有 網 民 則 斥 造 字 者 無 聊 : 「 拿 肉 麻 當 有 趣 , 低 俗 不 堪 ! 」 「 用 這 類 污 穢 的 字 眼 炒 作 , 真 是 污 衊 廣 大 網 友 ! 」
- 焦应奇说:“如果你有自己独特的生活感受,造一个字,定义成一个必然的表达,就可以了。这是每个汉字使用者的权利,至于别人是否认可,那是另外一回事。”
- “新词语不断出现表现了人们需要新的表达方式。社会发展为人们提供了崭新的经验内容,新词的迅猛发展与无新字出现的停滞状态对比强烈:没有新字,一些感受难以用简洁的中文表示,这表现出汉字的疲软。”
- 从1994年起,焦应奇从绘画等造型艺术转入精神实验活动,主张“人人都有创造力”。
- 对中国当代艺术,焦应奇持激烈的批评态度:“中国当代艺术还没脱离模仿的阶段,没有达到有质(量)的状态。在本土生活经验激励下表达出的新东西,中国艺术才更有意思,变相地挪用,那是殖民化,无助于原创艺术的发展。”
- 新浪科技訊 北京時間4月2日下午消息,據國外媒體報道,最近兩天,Twitter對主頁進行了改版,突出了搜索功能,並增加了一些新功能。Twitter用戶還看不到新功能,但Twitter聯合創始人比茲‧斯通(Biz Stone)在博客中透露,新功能名為“探索引擎”(discovery engine)。
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.