Online cancer-fighting inititive sets Guinness record | Webware - CNET
- #BeatCancer, a charitable campaign that launched at the BlogWorld & New Media Expo, started making its way around the social Web last week. The goal was to set a new Guinness World Record for the most social mentions in a 24-hour period while raising cash for cancer organizations. Users were asked to include the #BeatCancer hash tag in tweets, Facebook status updates, and blog posts.
Today in Google Voice Kerfuffles | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
- Well, it's still not 100% clear, and I'm sure a more emphatic statement from Google will be coming very soon, but on the Google Voice support board, a Google employee explains (poorly) that these are voicemails that people have posted to the web voluntarily, and so Google indexed them, as is their habit. He also says they've changed the system so these will not be indexed in the future without explicit permission from the embedding site's owner.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.