Spring Design Alex: dual-screen Android-based e-reader (Update: not for Barnes & Noble)
- 坦率讲,活动中最让笔者震惊的图片,是十一当天,满铺红地毯的观礼台上,遍地都是随手扔掉的矿泉水瓶和烟盒,这就是中国政治、文化精英们的基础文明。
- 如果建政60年还这样说,只能说是冥顽不灵,执政合法性岂能由暴力夺权来永久决定?!问题在于,被中国社会发展早已证明是错误的、被抛弃的东西,执政当局今天却要像祖宗排位一样供起来,令人无法理解地弱智和不合时宜。
blogaderas: Knowledge is power
- Chinese blogger Isaac Mao came to speak at Wintec today to inform us about social media in general. I found it immensely fascinating when he said that 80% of the general populace in China are not aware that their internet system is censored and is separate to that of the rest of the world.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.