
SocialPipeline 09/21/2010 (p.m.)

    • A reliable source has told Global Voices that Tehran's prosecutor is seeking the death penalty for jailed Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan (also known as “Hoder”). The presiding judge, named Salavati, has not yet ruled in the case. Derakhshan has been accused of “collaborating with enemy states, creating propaganda against the Islamic regime, insulting religious sanctity, and creating propaganda for anti-revolutionary groups.” He was arrested 22 months ago, and his trial began in June 2010.

    • 新德里经济研究机构Indicus Analytics的创始董事拉维什•班达里(Laveesh Bhandari)表示:“印度十有八九无法从中国劳动力增长减缓中受益,这不过是因为,印度还没有为建立像中国那样庞大的制造业做好准备。这里的基础设施有限、且过于昂贵,人力资本基础也不够雄厚。”
    • 澳大利亚国际经济中心(Centre for International Economics)高级经济学家蒋庭松表示:“人们一致认为,中国可能很快就将进入刘易斯拐点。这一共识是基于人口增长的新动向以及独生子女政策。”

    • 蒋庭松估计,中国非熟练劳动力数量若减少5%,可能会造成GDP增速减少两个百分点。

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
