- 6月13日上午,公安部召开全国公安机关“2010严打整治行动”动员部署电视电话会议。公安部党委委员、副部长张新枫作动员部署,公安部党委委员、副部长黄明主持会议。张新枫强调,为贯彻落实中央领导同志重要指示精神,针对当前复杂的社会治安形势,公安部动员部署全国公安机关集中开展为期7个月的严打整治行动。全国公安机关要始终坚持严打方针不动摇,深入开展严打整治行动,依法严厉打击各类严重暴力犯罪活动,从严加强社会面治安管控,坚决遏制各类突出犯罪,确保社会治安大局持续稳定,努力为上海世博会和广州亚运会的成功举办创造良好的社会治安环境。
Govt. White Papers - china.org.cn
- China's websites attach great importance to providing netizens with opinion expression services, with over 80% of them providing electronic bulletin service. In China, there are over a million BBSs and some 220 million bloggers. According to a sample survey, each day people post over three million messages via BBS, news commentary sites, blogs, etc., and over 66% of Chinese netizens frequently place postings to discuss various topics, and to fully express their opinions and represent their interests.
Govt. White Papers - china.org.cn
- At the same time, there were 3.23 million websites running in China, which was 2,152 times that of 1997.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.