200910085031.0 - 一种阻断TCP连接的方法和装置 - SooPAT专利搜索
SocialPipeline 04/29/2012 (a.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/21/2012 (p.m.)
Why You Should Worry About China's First Space Station
China has always played these objections to their advantage, giving the impression that they want to play nice but the other space kids don't let them play. But their ultimate space plans and reality say other things. In fact, Tiangong-1 contradicts China's own words. Back on June 7, 2011, Yang Liwei, deputy head of China's Manned Space Engineering Office and China's first astronaut in space, said that "China has enormous potential to cooperate with other countries in the field of space development [...] China is willing to make positive efforts in this regard."
Liwei later said that China wanted to develop docking technology compatible with the International Space Station. But, during a July 8 press conference, he recognized that Tiangong-1 isn't compatible with the ISS. How can they prove to the international space community that they can and want to collaborate when they aren't going to test their future docking tests according to ISS standards?
SocialPipeline 04/16/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/13/2012 (p.m.)
New Clarity on China Internet Outage - China Real Time Report - WSJ
One such company, CloudFlare — which provides web performance and security services for hundreds of thousands of small websites and which claims to handle more traffic than Amazon.com, Twitter, Wikipedia, Apple.com and Bing combined — similarly scrambled their engineers to check on the disappearing China traffic.
SocialPipeline 04/11/2012 (p.m.)
tags: Sharism
The Change.org petition was not responsible for attracting national media attention to the case, but I might argue that it helped sustain the story online. The petition gave news consumers a place to act on the sense of injustice the story stoked within them. It also gave celebrities a reason to tweet about the story. Almost half of the 5 million visits to the Change.org petition over this time period were referred by social media.
Given the scale of social media traffic, it's entirely possible that having an action to link to actually increased the rates of people sharing the story online. It's hard to measure the conversation independent of mainstream media coverage, but Pew's Research Center for Excellence in Journalism has found that, as Trayvon Martin became the number one topic discussed on Twitter between March 26-30, "calls for justice (21% of the conversation) and sympathy for the victim (19%) were the top themes on Twitter," both sentiments that lend themselves to including a link to take action.
We can measure conversion rate. Thirty-seven percent of the peop
SocialPipeline 04/10/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 04/09/2012 (p.m.)
Wealthy Chinese seek special visas to relocate to Bay Area - San Jose Mercury News
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And many are relocating to the Bay Area, whose large Asian population, good schools and comfortable lifestyle are powerful draws for Chinese multimillionaires concerned about the future of their homeland and seeking the own American dream.</p><p>"The rich people are trying to get green cards," said Ta-lin Hsu, founder and chairman of Palo Alto-based venture capital firm H&Q Asia Pacific, who spends a lot of time in Asia. He is frequently asked by business associates about how to immigrate to the United States.</p><p>"The main reason is, they still worry about the future stability of China," Hsu said. "The U.S. is a democracy, there is freedom and it's a safer place."</p><p>The exit door for many of these wealthy Chinese is opened by the fast-track visas America offers for well-heeled immigrants. Known as the EB-5, the visa requires applicants to invest $500,000 in projects in economically struggling regions or $1 million in a commercial venture in other locations. The investments must create or preserve 10 jobs for two years. If successful, the applicants and their families -- spouses and children younger than 21 -- are awarded permanent residency.</p><p>The foreign money is a w</p></div></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></td>
Between 1992 and 2011, the number of applications for investor visas jumped 700 percent, from 474 to 3,805, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. In the past two years alone, the number applicants has nearly quadrupled. More applications by far come from China than any other country. Last year, 77 percent of all of those who applied for these visas were Chinese.
SocialPipeline 04/07/2012 (a.m.)
Light brings back bad memories | Science | guardian.co.uk
This led to the revival of the concept of the 'Grandmother cell,' a hypothetical neuron that encodes a complex, abstract concept, such as one's grandmother. Some researchers argue that each of these neurons encodes such a concept on its own. According to Fried, each cell is likely to be part of a sparsely distributed network of perhaps several million neurons. It is the network, and not individual neurons within it, that encodes a concept, or the memory of it. Individual cells are also likely to contribute to thousands or millions of other networks, too, each encoding a different concept or memory.
SocialPipeline 04/04/2012 (p.m.)
Google To Build Taiwan Data Center
Google's three Asian data centers will join its six in the United States and two in Europe.