Universe Has 100x More Entropy Than We Thought - Slashdot
- "Previous estimates are now thought to skimp on the entropy of the observable universe. The researchers contend that super-massive black holes are the largest contributor of entropy. Since they contribute two orders of magnitude more than previously thought, the total of all the observable universe is correspondingly higher. The paper highlights (in gruesome detail) new issues that arise with these new calculations — like estimating us a little bit closer to heat death (moving entropy totals from 10^102 to 10^104 out of a maximum of 10^122)."
Second law of thermodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the second law, the entropy of any isolated system, such as the entire universe, never decreases. If the entropy of the universe has a maximum upper bound then when this bound is reached the universe has no thermodynamic free energy to sustain motion or life, that is, the heat death is reached.
苏小和 : 雷锋,如此年轻的螺丝钉 - 一五一十部落 | My1510
汉娜·阿伦特在《耶路撒冷的艾希曼》中提到了 “平庸的恶”(evil of banality)的观点。她指出,日常生活中貌似本分、规矩的人在极权主义的机器里发挥的螺丝钉作用,由于丧失判断善恶的思维,会犯下巨大的罪过。幸运的雷锋并没有活到这个国家最荒谬的时代,不过不难预料,倘若亲身经历文革,他必定会被卷入狂热的革命浪潮中。当失控的国家机器遍地屠戮,螺丝钉也将沾染上血迹。
A battery breakthrough that could bring electric cars to the masses — Cleantech News and Analysis
Envia says with an energy density of 400 watt-hours per kilogram, its battery cell costs could be at $125 per kWh. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has said recently that he sees battery cells dropping in price to below $200 per kWh in the coming years. Current electric cars like the Volt have been reported to be closer to $500 to $600 per kWh, and the Nissan LEAF at $375 per kWh.
SocialPipeline 02/27/2012 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 02/23/2012 (p.m.)
Musical Creativity and the Brain - Dana Foundation
tags: Brain
Attacks on the Press in 2011: Abolishing Censorship - Committee to Protect Journalists
More broadly, in an information economy, it could be argued that censorship itself is a restraint on trade. For example, China's insistence that Google censor its search results undermined the company's business model. And Isaac Mao, a Chinese entrepreneur and blogger, notes that Chinese online censorship may be starting to disrupt the global Internet.
"China set up the Great Firewall at the gateway to the world to block people's free access to overseas websites," Mao said. But recent research has uncovered a global impact, including instances in which Internet users from Chile to California were routed through servers inside China--and were thus caught in the country's censorship web. "People living in New York City who try to study Chinese would hit the wall when websites include some 'sensitive words,'" Mao explained.
SocialPipeline 02/21/2012 (p.m.)
tags: Philosophy
- 数学家和密码破译专家艾伦·图灵在1950年代提出一个假说,认为动物身上的重复模式如虎纹和豹斑点是在一对成形素(morphogen)共同作用下形成的。现在,伦敦国王学院的研究人员在《自然遗传学》上发表论文,首次提供了图灵假说的实验证据。 图灵将这对成形素称为“激活剂(activator)”和“抑制剂(inhibitor)”,研究人员识别出了特定的成形素——FGF(纤维母细胞生长因子)和Shh (Sonic Hedgehog)。他们发现当这些成形素活跃度增加或减少,动物的条纹模式会按照图灵的方程式预测的那样受到影响。
SocialPipeline 02/18/2012 (p.m.)
The machines are talking a lot | KurzweilAI
tags: DigitalUniverse
I.B.M.: Big Data, Bigger Patterns - NYTimes.com
tags: Visualiztion
t’s not just about Big Data. For the big players in enterprise technology algorithms, it’s about finding big patterns beyond the data itself.
The explosion of online life and cheap computer hardware have made it possible to store immense amounts of unstructured information, like e-mails or Internet clickstreams, then search the stored information to find some trend that can be exploited. The real trick is to do this cost-effectively. Companies doing this at a large scale look for similarities between one field and another, hoping for a common means of analysis.
When it comes to algorithms, “if I can do a power grid, I can do water
SocialPipeline 02/16/2012 (p.m.)
Biden Jabs Xi Over Rights | The Editor
“And so we want to work with China to make sure that everybody is working by the same rules of the road when it comes to the world economic system, and that includes ensuring that there is a balanced trade flow between not only the United States and China, but around world,” he said.
SocialPipeline 02/13/2012 (p.m.)
使用kindle大概有六七个月的时间了。我积累了一些图书,感觉我的阅读量快速在增长。我想分享我的图书,和朋友们交流阅读经验。 我的兴趣是历史,语言学,中医,武术等
SocialPipeline 02/13/2012 (a.m.)
A Therapist in Your Pocket : Northwestern University Newscenter
It’s the future of therapy at a new Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine center where scientists are inventing web-based, mobile and virtual technologies to treat depression and other mood disorders. The phone and similar projects bypass traditional weekly therapy sessions for novel approaches that provide immediate support and access to a much larger population.
SocialPipeline 02/09/2012 (a.m.)
Metaphors Make Brains Touchy Feely - ScienceNOW
Metaphors Make Brains Touchy Feely
tags: brain
SocialPipeline 02/07/2012 (p.m.)
RT @silqa: 记号 Kindle资源分享,6寸PDF精致版漫画:《 ...
记号 Kindle资源分享,6寸PDF精致版漫画:《七龙珠》《阿拉蕾》《伊藤润二漫画集》《城市猎人》《灌篮高手》《幽游白书》,两套小说:《盗墓笔记》1-8全本终极集合精校版,《冰与火之歌》1-4卷CN精排6寸PDF附带地图资料 115.com/file/be3pr5r1#”
SocialPipeline 02/06/2012 (p.m.)
美國學者史宗瀚(Victor Shih)估計,中國人口中最富的1%的人的流動資產和房產價值總和在2萬億美元至5萬億美元之間。而處於另一個極端的人甚至還沒有進入“現金經濟”。差距實在太大了。