SocialPipeline 01/14/2012 (a.m.)
刚刚入手Kindle半个多月,实在是非常喜欢。 第一次入手电子书,很新鲜也很好奇。读了很多纸质书,有些书想留在kindle里反复读几遍,特来此小组
BioDigital Human: Explore the Body in 3D!
tags: for:qiwei
15 big ways the Internet is changing our brain | KurzweilAI
15 big ways the Internet is changing our brain
January 9, 2012 by Editor
(Credit: iStockPhoto)
With much of human knowledge now our fingertips, the Internet is rewiring our brains in various ways, Online College finds:
The Internet is our external hard drive
Children are learning differently
We hardly ever give tasks our full attention
We don’t bother to remember
We’re getting better at finding information
Difficult questions make us think about computers
IQ is increasing over time
Our concentration is suffering
We’re getting better at determining relevance
We’re becoming physically addicted to technology
The more you use the Internet, the more it lights up your brain
Our brains constantly seek out incoming information
We’ve become power browsers
Online thinking persists even offline
Creative thinking may suffertags: brain
How does our brain see Jesus’ face on a tortilla? | KurzweilAI
tags: brain
SocialPipeline 01/05/2012 (p.m.)
GRAPHIC: President Obama Pummels GOP On Facebook
Although Republicans kicked off the 2012 campaign with a wild contest in Iowa, new data from Overdrive Interactive shows the party is losing the social media war to President Barack Obama. Badly.
The firm compiled this nifty infographic showing the social media rankings of the 2012 contenders from both parties, based on the number of Facebook likes and Twitter followers as of Tuesday, the day of the Iowa caucus.
What’s evident from the Overdrive graphic is that Obama has opened a gigantic gulf with Republicans, despite a hotly contested GOP presidential primary race.
While Obama was at one time one of the most popular people on Facebook sitting at the top of the Overdrive50, he currently holds the number 15 spot, behind the star power of brands and celebrities that include Lady Gaga, Facebook, YouTube, Rihanna, Eminem, Justin Beiber and Coca Cola.
Readers, do you think Republicans can catch up to the Democrats on social media?tags: Brandigg Visuallization
SocialPipeline 01/05/2012 (a.m.)
Long-term memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tags: brain
- Explicit memory/Declarative memory refers to all memories that are consciously available. These are encoded by the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex, but consolidated and stored elsewhere. The precise location of storage is unknown, but the temporal cortex has been proposed as a likely candidate.[citation needed] Declarative memory also has two major subdivisions:
- Episodic memory refers to memory for specific events in time
- Semantic memory refers to knowledge about the external world, such as the function of a pencil.
- Implicit memory/Procedural memory refers to the use of objects or movements of the body, such as how exactly to use a pencil or ride a bicycle. This type of memory is encoded and probably stored by the cerebellum and the striatum.[citation needed]
Types of memory
The brain does not store memories in one unified structure, as might be seen in a computer's hard disk drive. Instead, different types of memory are stored in different regions of the brain.[citation needed] LTM is typically divided up into two major headings: declarative memory and implicit memory (or procedural memory).[3] Computer programs store information similarly with a separate data section and code section.
There are various other categorizations of memory and types of memory that have captured research interest. Prospective memory (its complement: retrospective memory) is an example.
Emotional memory, the memory for events that evoke a particularly strong emotion, is another. Emotion and memory is a domain that can involve both declarative and procedural memory processes. Emotional memories are consciously available, but elicit a powerful, unconscious physiological reaction. They also have a unique physiological pathway that involves strong connections from the amygdala into the prefrontal cortex, but much weaker connections running back from the prefrontal cortex to the amygdala.[citation needed]
- Explicit memory/Declarative memory refers to all memories that are consciously available. These are encoded by the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex, but consolidated and stored elsewhere. The precise location of storage is unknown, but the temporal cortex has been proposed as a likely candidate.[citation needed] Declarative memory also has two major subdivisions:
Nano Patents and Innovations: Tapping The Brain Orchestra To Better Treat Brain Illnesses
- The electrode records the sounds from the whole orchestra of nerve cells surrounding it and there are numerous contributors. One cubic millimetre can contain as many as 100,000 nerve cells.