SocialPipeline 07/20/2011 (p.m.)
纽约时报:谷歌用风投算法欲寻觅下一个谷歌 - 投资资讯 ·ChinaVenture投资中国网
SocialPipeline 07/09/2011 (a.m.)
维基百科:管理员解任投票/Shizhao/第7次 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
- (-)反对:今年年初,我在苹果派(User:Sysywjel)意图当选管理员时,第一个投了反对票,当时他就已与黄氏联合。可是几乎所有人都感到疑惑并质疑我的举动,我亦苦于没有证据证明我的预测。短短不过半年,我今天登陆后才发现,他的一些意图付诸之快,甚至超过了我此前的想象。如果说两年前我就猜到他有今天之举,或许本该更早或者当时或他申请管理员时就公开说出,对维基的破坏或许有所缓和。如今我除了再次出山支持一下书生外,不得不公开我所有的预测,或许可以打乱对方一时策局。苹果派与黄氏绝非只是为推翻书生,而是利用此举提高名望以期后用,实为政治分肥。黄氏本批评家出身,若无他人关注,既无饭碗谋生。推翻书生,其所作只是无非是以施淫威于维基百科,在香港评论界谋求一域。而罢免书生,与苹果派本无甚益,但此人权欲极深,一直苦于无众支持,不得不虚与委蛇、极示友善;此人必当再次申请当管理员,若推翻书生成功,黄氏党羽亦自然会转而投苹果派,此为投桃报李。如果推翻不成,苹、黄之盟自当瓦解。黄氏党羽必将再次策划来年投票,而苹果派则会以推翻其他管理员再图良机,而首当其冲者,为User:Mys 721tx 和 User:PhiLiP。希望这次预测不要和上次一样准。—Walter Grassroot 2011年7月7日(四) 05:13 (UTC)
- 几个环节都有漏洞,不认同此次投票。希望大家编维基,少搞政治
- 罢免理由不充分的情况下,想透过罢免来表达抗议是没有意义的事情
She states: “In Tunisia for example the first steps are being taken to censor the internet. This is of course disastrous for the promise of the revolution.” Schaake regards internet freedom as an essential component of democracy.
SocialPipeline 07/05/2011 (a.m.)
沈健出席第83届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 >>>>闪亮动态>>闪亮媒体
- 好莱坞金牌制片麦可麦达维是生于上海的犹太后裔,在中国生活七年。后来回到洛杉矶,毕业于洛杉矶加大政治系。
他40年来制作过约300部电影,其中18部得到奥斯卡最佳影片提名,七部获奖,包括「洛基」(Rocky)、「与狼共舞」(Dances With Wolves)、「沉默的羔羊」(The Silence of the Lambs)和今年的「黑天鹅」。
SocialPipeline 07/03/2011 (a.m.)
we don't need use twitter as an alternative, normally a person with independent judgement and informatioin source can tell the conscience.
tags: SharismBook China
SocialPipeline 07/02/2011 (a.m.)
Biologists discover how yeast cells reverse aging | KurzweilAI
tags: Life
Researchers at MIT have discovered a gene called NDT80 that can double yeast lifespan when turned on late in life.
The gene is activated when yeast cell rejuvenation occurs. When they turned on this gene in aged cells that were not reproducing, the cells lived twice as long as normal.
The MIT team found that the signs of cellular aging disappear at the very end of meiosis (which produces spores). “There’s a true rejuvenation going on,” said professor Angelika Amon.
In aged cells with activated NDT80, the nucleolar damage was the only age-related change that disappeared. That suggests that nucleolar changes are the primary force behind the aging process, Amon said.
If the human cell lifespan is controlled in a similar way, it could offer a new approach to rejuvenating human cells or creating pluripotent stem cells, Amon said.
World’s data will grow by 50X in next decade, IDC study predicts | KurzweilAI
tags: SharismBook Macro Information
SocialPipeline 07/01/2011 (p.m.)
Why do we share stories, news and information with others?
tags: SharismBook
ScienceDaily (June 30, 2011) — People often share stories, news, and information with the people around them. We forward online articles to our friends, share stories with our co-workers at the water cooler, and pass along rumors to our neighbors. Such social transmission has been going on for thousands of years, and the advent of social technologies like texting, Facebook, and other social media sites has only made it faster and easier to share content with others. But why is certain content shared more than others and what drives people to share?