– Isaac Mao on Sharism, Religion and Culture
- When I first read Isaac’s gentle “manifesto” about Sharism I was instantly pulled into to the clarity and intent of his writing. I thought here is a man contemplating the enormous cultural and technological development that he himself is thriving inside of and he has perspective and keen insight. I know that Stuart Kauffman is looking for a new global ethic and right in front of us is a powerful new tool and sensibility that is emerging.
SocialPipeline 06/30/2011 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 06/26/2011 (p.m.)
- 对话为初,有对话,才有游戏规则的共识。然后才有辩论的氛围,此后才能谈到议事。对话之初的最大敌人就是威权,中国人在家庭内部就有压制的传统,进而延伸到教育和社会。“傻逼”其实就是威权的一种,是人们无法控制对方时所扔出的脏弹,和“老子要教训你”的直接控制没有差别。但是伤人一千,自损八百。父子无法对话,师生无法对话,官民无法对话,无不源自对这个“初”的损害。想建立民主社会,一方面要将威权解构,另一方面还要建构对话框架。
SocialPipeline 06/22/2011 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 06/19/2011 (p.m.)
tags: SharismBook China Biz
@无事小神仙2430:马云陷入了自己的囚徒困境:否认VIE,那阿里巴巴也是非法结构;强调第三方支付企业的特殊性而不能用VIE结构,那么不仅仅是腾讯,连中国银联也违法,发牌照的央行更难逃其责;这场博弈的最终的纳什均衡,应该是顾及团体利益的帕累托最优解决方案——支付宝签回VIE。只懂毛而不懂数学的马云,你伤不起! 原文转发(546)|原文评论(323)
SocialPipeline 06/16/2011 (p.m.)
Chinese censorship: Fǎ Kè Yóu, River Crab | The Economist
tags: SharismBook China Censorship
"THE Travelogue of Dr Brain Damages", a show of Kenneth "Tin-Kin" Hung's artwork, opened recently in Manhattan. Mr Hung's garish and busy large paintings feature images of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders juxtaposed with icons of Western culture, such as Marilyn Monroe and the Mario Brothers (of Nintendo fame). These pieces are arresting, and I wish Mr Hung success, but most Western viewers will fail to understand some of the games the artist is playing. His work depends heavily on Chinese puns about internet censorship.
SocialPipeline 06/15/2011 (p.m.)
明報即時新聞網-兩岸---日媒:中國人冀3億買釣島 (08:41)-20110615
SocialPipeline 06/10/2011 (p.m.)
Twitter / @RickWarren: Capitalism:What's mine is ...
tags: SharismBook
- Capitalism:What's mine is mine &I KEEP it. Socialism:What's yours is mine & I can TAKE it. Bible:It's all God’s &I SHARE it!
tags: SharismBook
Socialism is economically inefficient as it does not reward entrepreneurs. Instead of rewarding entrepreneurs for creating wealth, it punishes them by making them pay higher taxes. Socialism can actually lower the living standards of all by not rewarding work and by making public assistance available to more than the neediest.
Worthless Stocks from China - BusinessWeek
tags: Biz China SharismBook
Bird's involvement would evolve from irritation that a company could get away with making a claim that so obviously defies basic business logic to the conviction that many pieces of the Chinese miracle that trade in the U.S. are, in his words, "flat-ass" frauds. And what started as a retiree looking into a company has turned into a dispute that has drawn in other shorts, the Securities and Exchange Commission, auditors, and, according to recent reports, the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services. It has also revealed significant flaws in U.S. markets and how they are regulated. Although the stocks trade on U.S. exchanges, and thus project a sense of having to play by American rules, the assets and the principals of many of the companies reside in China. The companies operate on their terms, leaving injured parties and the SEC powerless. Bird says the carnage is just beginning. "The whole thing has no place to go but to blow up," he says. "That's a rational position for an investor to start with, that every one of these Chinese reverse mergers is a fraud."
SocialPipeline 06/09/2011 (a.m.)
- 1.学校不收费;2.医生不卖药;3.房子不强拆;4.新闻不说谎;5.专家不白痴;6.食品不含毒;7.城管不打人;8.当官不受贿,9.脱裤不走红;10.吹牛不出名;11.就业不求人;12.环境不污染;13领导不特权;14.百姓不畏权。15.人民說了算
SocialPipeline 06/08/2011 (a.m.)
Laws of Technical Systems Evolution
Studying paths of evolution of technical systems has been a primary research method of TRIZ since its inception. But until the 1970s the discovered recurrent patterns of evolution were not consolidated into a separate section of TRIZ and were scattered amongst other sections. In the 1970s Altshuller consolidated them into a new section of TRIZ that he called "The Laws of Technical Systems Evolution". It included both previously discovered recurrent patterns of evolution and newly discovered ones. Studying "laws of evolution" became an independent research topic in TRIZ. The following authors, besides Altshuller, contributed most to it: Yuri Khotimlyansky (studied patterns of energy conductivity in technical systems), Vladimir Asinovsky (proposed principles of correspondence of various components of technical systems), Yevgeny Karasik (co-authored with Altshuller the law of transition from a macro-level to a micro-level, introduced the notion of dual technical systems and studied the patterns of their evolution).
SocialPipeline 06/04/2011 (a.m.)
Reverse-engineering the infant mind | KurzweilAI
The study is the first step in a long-term effort to “reverse-engineer” infant cognition by studying babies at ages 3-, 6- and 12-months (and other key stages through the first two years of life) to map out what they know about the physical and social world. That “3-6-12” project is part of a larger Intelligence Initiative at MIT, launched this year with the goal of understanding the nature of intelligence and replicating it in machines.
Study locates the source of key brain function | KurzweilAI
tags: Brain
To find out the “where” of this “scene-facilitation effect,” researchers flashed drawings of pairs of objects for just 1/20 of a second. Some of these objects were depicted as interacting, such as a hand grasping for a pen, and some were not, with the hand reaching away from the pen. Test subjects were asked to press a button if a label on the screen matched either one of the two objects, which it did on half of the presentations.
Quantum knowledge may cool computers | KurzweilAI
tags: SharismBook Entropy
However, the researchers showed that when the bits to be deleted are quantum-mechanically entangled with the state of an observer, then the observer could even withdraw heat from the system while deleting the bits. Entanglement links the observer’s state to that of the computer in such a way that they know more about the memory than is possible in classical physics.
The data can only be deleted once, so there is no possibility to continue to generate energy, the researchers said. The process also destroys the entanglement, and it would take an input of energy to reset the system to its starting state. The equations are consistent with the second law of thermodynamics: the entropy of the universe can never decrease.
“We’re working on the edge of the second law,” says physicist Vlatko Vedral. “If you go any further, you will break it.”
Global Internet traffic to quadruple by 2015 | KurzweilAI
tags: SharismBook Internet Macro
Cisco predicts more than 15 billion network-connected devices by 2015, reaching 966 exabytes (10^18 bytes) per year — close to 1 zettabyte (10^21 bytes).
Researchers build largest biochemical circuit out of small synthetic DNA molecules | KurzweilAI
tags: SharismBook
To build their circuits, the researchers used pieces of DNA to make logic gates. Instead of depending on electrons flowing in and out of transistors, DNA-based logic gates receive and produce molecules as signals. The molecular signals travel from one specific gate to another, connecting the circuit as if they were wires.
SocialPipeline 06/03/2011 (p.m.)
Defending Dissident Artist, Hong Kong Takes Role as Chinese Rebel - NYTimes.com
- Hong Kong International Art Fair ended this week with a record 63,500 visitors and top sales driven in part by wealthy Chinese buyers.
SocialPipeline 06/02/2011 (a.m.)
- “外國弄堂”的文革情境,鄭念本人並沒有見識過,因為她的搬入,已是文革後期。六六年至七七年間,這個小區完全陷入了紅色恐怖的迷霧。每天早晨,都有灰皮運屍車駛入,從某幢樓裏抬出用白布包裹的屍體。
- 正是由於英國殼牌公司的背景,鄭念淪為瘋狂猜疑和迫害的對象。鄭念的遭遇儼然是白樺電影《苦戀》中那位畫家的現實投影。在烏托邦小說《一九八四》裏,奧威爾進一步闡釋了這種荒謬的極權語法,那就是——永不停息地從自己人中間製造“敵人”以及“敵人的幫兇”。
tags: SharismBook
- 假如我任他們隨心淩辱我,他們就會得寸進尺,我在看守所的度日,將會更不可設想。而且,我在審問室裏所說的話,一字一語都錄了音。我永遠是個樂觀主義者。我盼著有一天,會有一個公正的人來調查我的問題。 【詳細】
- 七三至七七年間,我時常看到那位叫作姚念媛(鄭念)的“無名氏”,獨自出入于弄堂,風姿綽約,衣著華貴。她的孤寂而高傲的表情,給我留下了深刻印象。
Nien Cheng - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tags: SharismBook
- Cheng used Mao's teachings successfully against her interrogators, frequently turning the tide of the struggle sessions against the interrogators.
tags: SharismBook
- 郑念:我看《新民晚报》上说,胡永年,就是杀死我女儿的那个人,他今年出狱了,要跟他的儿子、孙子、孙女团聚。而我呢?我的孩子死了,不可复生,我一个老 太太孤单的住在美国,没有孩子。在美国一个孤单的老人是很困难很困难的,假如我现在一下子病倒了,可以说是举目无亲。我刚出国那年,一九八0年,那时候想 到胡永年,恨不得我有把枪把他打死,因为他弄死了我女儿嘛!现在,隔了这么多年了,我看到《新民晚报》说,胡永年要出狱了,去年《新民晚报》还登胡永年出 来跟他的孩子过农历新年的情况,报导得很详细,我都无动于衷。我现在并不想打死他,并不是我原谅他了。我就觉得,文化大革命有很多人做了很多的坏事情,甚 至于杀人,但是仅仅是这些人犯罪吗?我觉得主要的不是他们个人犯罪,当时他们自己有他们自己的原因,一种冲动或者迫于当时的形势,使得他们做出了犯罪的事 情,主要的是毛主席的错误的政策。
- 现在当然我越老我越想念她,要是她活着,她已经五十多岁了。但是,在这儿我也很忙,有一个新的生活,我也不愿意再回中国去了,有认识的人在香港告诉我,说 我上了黑名单啦,不要回国了,等等,可靠不可靠我也不知道,因为我不会再回去了。我有的时候很想念自己的国家,很关心的,但是这也没有办法,我现在八十一 岁了,没有多少时间了。
郑念 [田志凌]__鲜橙互动 南都网 南方都市报 新闻互动网站 南都数字报
tags: SharismBook
- 在知识和道德上,她都压倒了审讯人员。她对毛泽东的著作,比审讯她的人还熟悉。她时时用毛的话来质询她的审讯者,要求澄清自己无罪。书中有大量她与审讯者之间斗智斗勇的对话。看守为了让她“闭嘴”而拳脚相加,她的胳膊和大腿经常青一块紫一块。也有看守对她产生了钦佩之心。交代材料的落款照例是“犯罪分子”,郑念每次都不厌其烦地在“犯罪分子”前面加上“没有犯过任何罪的”这几个字。多次重写交代材料后,给她的纸上终于不再有“犯罪分子”这个落款。
Life and death in Shanghai » The Union Recorder
tags: SharismBook
- “(Razzano) suggested I set up a scholarship in memory of my daughter at SRU,” Cheng said. “It’s been 20 years now, and we are still giving scholarships. I’m very pleased with (the scholarship), and the university manages it so well.”
According to Razzano, around $150,000 has been given to deserving SRU students through the scholarship in the past 20 years.
“Today, the endowment of the Meiping Cheng Memorial Scholarship totals nearly $204,000,” Razzano said. “Forty-seven people have received scholarships so far.”
中国旅美作家郑念友人为其举行悼念 | 中文主页 | Chinese
tags: SharismBook
- 郑念生前好友的儿子、目前在美国的黄渤济先生在仪式上回忆说,两年前,他还带着郑念女士去一家电器商店(Best Buy)买回一台计算机。离开商店之前,郑念女士对年青的销售员说:“我今年92岁了,我想我一定是你所碰到的最年长的一位顾客了!”
- 其他友人回忆说,郑念到美国以后,一直爱去华盛顿西北区的一家名叫全聚德的中餐馆吃饭,并且和老板结下了深厚的友谊;名叫罗伯特的老板专门以她命名了一道小菜。
- 郑念生前一位重要友人、美国30年代驻华大使奈尔森.约翰逊(Nelson Johnson)的女儿白蒂珍.格尔伯(Betty Jane Gerber)女士主持了星期六的悼念仪式。白蒂珍在仪式上回忆了多年来每逢节假日郑念和她的家人在一起的情形,她还回忆了郑念1988年获得美国公民时的那份欣喜。
SocialPipeline 06/01/2011 (p.m.)
tags: SharismBook
2)“她一生不幸,受尽苦难,最后在她的枕边陪伴她的,是一个大塑料娃娃,可见她晚景的孤独和凄凉。”—— 姜椿芳
Women in the Chinese enlightenment ... - Google Books
about Guanlu
tags: SharismBook
Red China's first female spy -- Baby products - Baby products
tags: SharismBook
- The 1930s have a famous film actor Topol and Zhao Dan starring famous movie "crossroads", we must also remember the movie in the first episode of "Spring": "spring to fragrant, Lang Lang, NEA long rig, NEA long and warm sun shining in the sky, according to my torn clothes, Lang Lang, NEA long rig, NEA long through the street alley, in order to eat to wear, easily are busy ..." movie "crossroads" upon release, the film this interlude ", in the spring immediately swept the Grand Shanghai, known, loved, and everyone on the streets of the city.
- Guan Lu, Hebei Xuanhua, was born in 1907 in Youyu County, Shanxi province, formerly known as Wu Shou fins. Young parents died at the age of 18, to get great Shanghai alone. In the spring of 1932 to join left-wing writers Union, and Xia Yan Ding Ling, etc., The same year to join the Communist Party of China. 1933, Ding was the KMT spy secret abductions, she had to take over the responsibility of Ding Ling left with the creation of the work of the Committee. Guan Lu is left with a period of outstanding poet and writer, is a dedicated revolutionary activist. She not only actively participate in various activities in the various national salvation rallies for lectures, while in Shanghai in various newspapers and magazines published a lot of poetry, prose, fiction, commentary and translation work.. .
tags: SharismBook
- Thirties, Guan Lu joined the Leftist, served as a Communist member of the underground transport, involved in the initiation of the Chinese women's liberation Association, also participated in Chinese Poetry Association, the Chinese Arts Association and other organizations. At the same time created a lot of novels, essays, reviews, essays and translation, the largest number of poetry. November 1936, life in Shanghai published her poetry book "Pacific song." .
- In 1980, Guan Lu suffering from cerebral thrombosis total paralysis, loss of capacity for work. In 1982, 23 March, CPC make a close comrade vindicate the decision to open. When the gateway dew heard the news that she is already in Beijing Chao international Ministry hostels a 10 square meters of the cabin was climbing. In this year's December 5, Guan Lu committed suicide, at the age of 75 years.
- Guan Lu died, Ding Ling said: "She is a kind person, even a little silly, always sacrifice themselves. Her heart was wounded, left alone, without family, she is very lonely.". .