China to crack down on lavish public-funded fetes - Yahoo! News
Along with vast improvements in quality of life for most Chinese, China's booming economic growth has led to an ever-larger gap between rich and poor and a surge in corruption that brings unwanted public criticism. The Communist leadership sees any public discontent as a threat to government stability.
Lavish official tours to Las Vegas and other places cost taxpayers about 400 billion yuan ($58 billion) every year, according to state broadcaster CCTV. On one such trip two years ago, officials spent taxpayers' money on a $700-a-night Las Vegas hotel and visits to a San Francisco sex show.
- Last year a total of 277,000 Chinese visitors spent $402 million in the state.
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SocialPipeline 12/30/2010 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 12/24/2010 (p.m.)
SocialPipeline 12/20/2010 (p.m.)
- 7sun8shine 校长以一己之身遭千万人唾骂!悲哉!壮哉!谁知GFW又岂是校长以一己之力所能为之? (10秒前)
- 方校长做点好事教我们怎么翻墙吧
mxfayane 你很有勇氣啊!(51分钟前)
scanf 回复@7sun8shine: 他是最前台的那个人,必须要承担这个,否则就引咎辞职吧。(2分钟前)
rabitv 出来咋到有这阵势的也就是他和韩寒了(5分钟前)
- 举报:1。色情,他居然“上”了微博,可怜的微博被他强x了2。虚假信息,他不敢说话,谁敢说话(20秒前)
马修连恩 历史的耻辱柱上,给你留个一个醒目的位置。你归天之后,就到那里去常驻吧!(2分钟前)
周星星9527 北京邮电大学校长。 觅天下人才而教育之,不亦乐乎。 看来方校长在中国这片沃土,已经做到了(23分钟前)
zzzfinal 我是一个工大博士生,学校怎么出了你这个败类!(今天 11:07)
野有蔓草2000 戳穿中国工程院院士方滨兴在google事件中对美国chilling ffects组织的诬蔑 by 北大飞 http://sinaurl.cn/hb3AMt 再谈中国工程院院士方滨兴 http://sinaurl.cn/hb31Jt(20秒前)
姚骏 方先生,我相信在我有生之年能看到你的学生会羞于提起你是他们的老师,我非常坚定的相信,否则无法发泄我每次搜索国外技术资料时被墙的怒火(40秒前)
dimplesliu 噻,牛,评论直接下降至333(60分钟前)
- (83598) Aiweiwei = 2001 SP265 Discovered 2001 Sept. 25 by W. K. Y. Yeung at the Desert Eagle Observatory. Ai Weiwei (b. 1957) is a Chinese artist and architectural designer.His most famous design was the Beijing National Stadium, more commonly calledthe Bird's Nest, the main stadium of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
SocialPipeline 12/15/2010 (a.m.)
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