广州日报 - 2009年7月1日 - A4:要闻版 - 杨庆文被追认为中共党员
- 又讯(记者周祚 通讯员石雄东)昨天下午,由广东省委宣传部和省直属机关工委共同举办的“杨庆文同志先进事迹报告会”在广州隆重举行。来自省直机关和企事业单位的1300多位干部职工代表聆听了报告。
Metaplace virtual worlds now blog-embeddable | Webware - CNET
南京江宁金盛路发生特大交通事故 撞伤7人4人当场死亡(图) - 南京那些事 - 地区联盟 - 话题 - 李兰行 - 同城南京 - 南京地区最好的同城社交网站
- 最让我们气愤的是,没有任何有资质的人员确认这些伤者是否还有生命体征,30分钟足够把一个活人从人间带入地狱!我们就眼睁地看到一个个鲜活的生命在如此重创下,仍旧要等待我们执法部门所谓的程序,才能获得援救吗?
China and the World: CCTV Hotel Myth
- So I reason that the CCTV Tower will be rebuild from scratch, (they might be secretly calling in designs right now), but the construction would have to wait until our government feel confident that we will be out of the current economic crisis. This is really the very topic priority of our government right now, and despite appearances and pandering talks, Zhongnanhai is deeply troubled, even horrified at the possibility of losing all legitimacy of their dictatorship if the crisis continues and they lose on the economic ground.
China delays launch of internet filter Green Dam | World news | guardian.co.uk
- Isaac Mao, a prominent internet commentator, believes the government has made a big mistake: "I think this is the tipping point between the people rising up and those in power trying to suppress them. The great firewall is overloaded and that is why the authorities are trying to move the focus of control to the desktop. But it has annoyed a lot of people. Not just liberals who want free speech but the young who see it as an intrusion into their personal lives."
- "More and more people have accepted 'internet-era values' such as freedom of speech, access to information and participatory democracy," said Michael Anti. "These liberalised people or 'netizens' are changing the social institutions, step by step. In 10 years, more people will be [on the net] which will increase the chance of China having genuine democracy."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.