
SocialPipeline 07/01/2009 (a.m.)

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

SocialPipeline 06/30/2009 (p.m.)

  • tags: V, Censorship

  • 被豆瓣驱逐的人,一个小党国的写照

    tags: GFW

  • tags: 艾未未

    • 这个共产党如果你还将它当共产党看,以为只要反对它的那种表里不一的意识形态,就算反对过了,你就大错特错了。它在当前实际上已成为被各种利益集团或贪腐集团租借的外衣,你已无法将它当真,完全要看它被披在哪个人身上了。它的专制是某种黑厚的利益集团的专制,比如杭州飚车案里,那个杭州市委宣传部长的一手遮盖整个杭州新闻界,并不是党的意识形态或权力装置的规定,而是他的权力出租出手时的险恶与无情,才那么激怒我们。我们只能生气中共杭州市委的不去追究这个宣传部长,但我们怎么可以要求这样一个黑厚的利益集团来主动处理其利益关联者呢?他们同是这个权力粪坑里的蛆,享受得正酣呢。只有清洗他们,通过透明的媒体为了追逐自己的利益而进行的报道,通过议会式辩论与决断,来处理他们,虽然这都还不是解放政治,但也因此该先做起来。
    • 艾未未好象也没有看到:并不存在政治的人道主义田园曲;任何政治讨论都是各方从自己利益出发,从他们所处的情形允许他们指望的那种客观性,去获得最大份额。而这常常不是在人民之间分份额,而是通过那个舆论政权,由言论导向来斩获,是硬出手,来搞定。在这样做时,艺术家和知识分子并不占有特权,他们通常很难说清自己的利益纠葛。艺术家在哪一方面是强的呢,是特别对社会政治有贡献的呢?
  • tags: Biz, China, Scandal, Risk

    • These scandals most likely won't be the last. Even if they were, though, consumer confidence will likely require a fair amount of time to recover from such repeated blows to the "Made in China" brand, as well as to brands that were never previously associated with China in the minds of most consumers. The growth in international trade and the possibility of negative brand impact underscore the significance of dealing with the challenges of using suppliers and supplies from developing countries to meet growing consumer demand for high-quality, low-cost products.
  • tags: VC, Investment

  • tags: Google, Censorship

    • 第一次称呼用谷歌来称呼Google中国,我是被迫的。虽然Google中国在开发者眼里不够Google,但是总比百毒好。

    • 谷歌,挺住!流氓土匪打不倒你!



    • 用google.com搜索;用twitter推信;用yahoo.com电邮。不用bing,有病的才用;不用baidu,百度有禁忌;不用facebook.cn,我(何健)不想被废;不用myspace.cn,我不卖身。凡是XXXXXXX.cn我(何健)都罢用。用火狐,因为反对微软;不用苹果,因为囊中羞涩。这就是我(何健)的互联网生活!!!——摘自《何健语录》
  • tags: no_tag

    •   又争执了几分钟,大战开始升级,那些城管想拉开她们三个人,结果动起手来,开始的时候是20-40个人围在那里对其3人拳脚相加,后来见大概20个城管人员有的拿着大概10公分宽30公分唱的皮带对其3人进行殴打,有的拿着城管竟然拿出60厘米长直径大概2CM的钢管对其3人进行殴打,场面简直是惊人,周围的群众沸腾了,对其暴力执法行为都表示严重不满,有的扔矿泉水瓶、有的扔拖鞋进去,但是那些城管依然不管继续殴打其3人,大概打了2翻之后,3人躺在马路上不能动弹,浑身是血,造成交通堵塞,后来110来了,打人的城管走了,凄惨的3人满身是血的瘫在地上。
  • tags: no_tag

    • China was a vital supporter of the North Korean Communist forces in the Korean War, sending soldiers across the border from October 1950. After the armistice China's support continued, and in 1961 the two countries signed a Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance, which calls for either to aid the other if attacked. It remains in force.

  • tags: no_tag

    • 中国驾车者目前支付的油价略高于每加仑3美元,比美国的油价高出八分之一左右。上周美国燃油平均价格为每加仑2.66美元。
  • tags: no_tag

    • 原本20分钟的通勤时间翻了近一倍,还要翻越一座跨度超过两公里的威廉斯堡大桥,可苏菲小姐还是觉得自己的决定无比明智:因为她不用再忍受频频涨价又拥挤不堪的地铁,还省去了去健身房的时间和开销,最重要的是,她终于每天都能穿上心爱的复古连身裤(jumpsuit)穿行在曼哈顿的街头却不显得做作。
  • tags: no_tag

    • 相形之下,北京气象台公布的监测对象就要令人“放心得多”。它主要是直径小于10微米的悬浮粒子(PM10),可被吸入肺中后再被部分呼出。北京气象台高级工程师张明英向媒体解释道:“两类悬浮粒子均是国际通行的标准,北京气象台一直亦有监测PM2.5,未来也不排除会对公众公布这一数据。”
  • tags: no_tag

    • Air Quality

      Air Quality

      Health Advisory






      Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged
      or heavy exertion.


      Sensitive Groups


      with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children
      should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.



      People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children
      should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion. Everyone else
      should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.





      People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children
      should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone
      else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.
    • How
      can particle pollution affect you?

      Fine and coarse particles can cause a variety of serious health
      problems. When exposed to these particles, people with heart
      or lung diseases and older adults are more at risk of hospital
      and emergency room visits or, in some cases, even death. These
      effects have been associated with short-term exposures lasting
      24 hours or less. Long-term exposures of a year or more have
      been linked to the development of lung diseases, such as chronic

      Particles can aggravate heart diseases such as congestive
      heart failure and coronary artery disease. If you have heart
      disease, particles may cause you to experience chest pain,
      palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue. Particles have
      also been associated with cardiac arrhythmias and heart attacks.

      Particles can aggravate lung diseases such as asthma
      and bronchitis, causing increased medication use and doctor
      visits. If you have lung disease, and you are exposed to particles,
      you may not be able to breathe as deeply or vigorously as
      normal. You may have respiratory symptoms including coughing,
      phlegm, chest discomfort, wheezing and shortness of breath.
      You also may experience these symptoms even if you're healthy,
      although you are unlikely to experience more serious effects.
      Particles can also increase your susceptibility to respiratory

  • tags: no_tag

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.